Violet | | |
Hello, I'm Korean mapper, Violet. Nice to meet you!
modified by Violet |
Grief_Stricken | | |
this map(tight) is the opposite of python(large), if you know what i mean |
Nightmarjoo | | |
I think the map is way too linear, to flank at all you have to go all the way around the map lol.
Also the mains and nats I think are too big, and are using up space which should be allocated for the middle; the water in the compass directions is also wasted space I think. |
Violet | | |
I planned this map confused fighting and few units fighting to get center
thanks. modified by Violet |
Nightmarjoo | | |
Well, in that case shouldn't you either/both remove mineral blocks and/or lessen mineral values?
And even with that, I think the map is going to have classic imbalance: t>p p>z t>z, though lurkers and defiler will be strong. Well, terran can just go mech every game and then it's t>z. |
Grief_Stricken | | |
agreed t>all;this is what i meant with the opposite of python.just reducing the size of the main won't help much.
but maybe there is a way to cure it from this imba if he merge together the plateaus in the least 9with12 and 3with6 or 12&3 and 6&9 - in order to gain new pathes. and of course the res. there shouldn't disturb these pathes in any way.but only testing the map after the changes will bring the final answer - if it's still imba or not. |
Nightmarjoo | | |
yeah I agree |
Violet | | |
Thanks. I'll fix it. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Random cool map BUMP!!!
Still alive???? |
Kinosjourney | | |
Way too big chokes at the naturals, other then that it's one of the best standard maps i've seen in a while. Looks very fun and promising :) |
JungleTerrain | | |
look at the id #, Kinosjourney. The person that made this map is prolly dead :P |
Kinosjourney | | |
Oh, damn :(
I don't check the map ID if the map is on the 'Newest Updates'-tab :) |
LasTCursE | | |
lol jungle xD may the poor soul rest in piece.. :( |
Kinosjourney | | |
LasTCursE you meanie, should he rest in pieces? O_O |
JungleTerrain | | |
lol what? |
LasTCursE | | |
he was a suicide bomber.. we'll miss you Mustafa or who ever you were back in the second world war T_T |
Crimson)S(hadow | | |
adjacent spawns would be interesting but tight |