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Last update for (6)Mekansm : 2009, 08, 16 21:08
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3461 (6)Mekansm 128*128GRC-DeathLink2.3finalground

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Hi everyone, its been a while since I've posted a map here...

Anyway, I had some ideas about a 3v3 map so this is what I made. The Creep Colonies allow Zergs to control their ramps much better and possibly take their natural, since the neutral Xel'Naga buildings on the bridges prevent units attacking the nat. This would make 3v3 games balanced for Zergs as well since they will be able to get a second base early on in the game.

Feel free to comment on my map, ideas are welcome as well :D
try to open the middle where platings are, it look really small there
I really like the 1 choke 2 sided ramp :P
awesome concept man!
i like it
I like the ramp/blocked nat.

Is there actually enough creep to put sunkens down that can defend your nat? Or is it like a few stimmed marines can just run past multiple sunkens by the ramp and into your nat?
Well the first sunken doesn't cover the path towards the natural. However, it does create more creep which means that more sunkens can be built to cover the whole ramp.
I like the concept, too! Is it possible to tank the other players' nats from the mains?
I have designed it so that tanks cannot attack the nats from the mains, but I'm not sure if they can reach the area behind the minerals or the bridge.
Pretty neat; I can't really comment the map because I never 3v3. You could make it prettier though :)

I keep seeing your msn messages dea but I always wake up too late to get them :(
Sexy map, gonna try this with a friend right away :)
GREAT !!!!!

WOW Super consept

But teals and browns mains look way 2 big, and bigger than the other 1s, also the middle 1s are of good size but much smaller.
So Id basically make brown and teals mains smaller by taking space away from the sides (The side where the map ends)

And 2 balance things + till perfection i would even shorten a bit reds and purples, that way all bases will be approx same size.
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX

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