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Last update for (2)Desolate : 2009, 01, 26 07:23
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3499 (2)Desolate 128*128Manbearpig2.6finalground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

I started working on this map a little while after my internet went down, for some reason I'm addicted to desert tile set lol

it started out looking alot more like Ride of Valkyries on desert tile set but i added ramps to the top expos which i was wondering about removing or not and i made the expo in between the two bases not island which i was also questioning switch back to an island the double gas expos in the middle are 2500 per geyser

i understand the picture is bad quality but if you enlarge it it gets much better

anything terribly wrong with it that i can fix or improve on?
Nice layout, but the weird expansion with the circle thing wont work, miners go crazy.

In my beliefs the space between the opponents and the other parts of the map are WAY to tight. no room to flank the siege tanks!
and gas issue i forgot to mention
and (2)128x128 map issue too
what is map issue :D
i think he means the map is to big for 2 players lol
I'll have to remember not to make the map to massive on the next two player map i make, like that one massive 4 player map i made

and by gas issue are you talking about how the gas in the main is below the start point not above?

"In my beliefs the space between the opponents and the other parts of the map are WAY to tight"

by the space between the opponents are you talking about how close the players are to one another? and i do understand that on the outside of the map it can get very tight any suggestions on how to make that not so.. tightish

remake in 96x128, Blue Storm size, imo.

Too tight and distances to some expoes are ridiculous.
kk il remake this shit smaller lol

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