Peatza[Ag] | | |
It’s pretty funny how i_terran has taken Credit for the map in the description. When what he really have done is just modified the earlier version by the excellent map maker Drunken Bird who made the pro island map Charity. And then put "TheFinal2.1" after the maps name.
Maybe i_terran is in fact Drunken Bird or knows him really, really well I don't know, but if he isn't... Then I think i_terran is very stupid to do this. He's made a lot of good maps, and is a great map maker but to put yourself as the map maker when in fact you've only modified the original is just wrong. |
panschk | | |
the replay shows quite a nice 2on2. Uploaded for Snooky's viewing pleasure <3 |
Kabumm | | |
i just noticed that you can't wall in on luna (sorry for beeing that ignorant, i usually don't play t). is there any version where wall in works? |
Kabumm | | |
lol. now i know why i see so many "fake bamboos" lately. i've been watching a lot of luna replays... |
Your Name | | |
there's no picture |
flothefreak | | |
I uploaded a picture of it taken from the BWCL S-21 mappack. it's not the BWCL version, I know, but the map here is protected so I couldn't make a jpeg, dunno how to handle/remove protection :/
but with this comment as 6th it shoudl work as remarkable explanation so visitors get knowledge |
sp | | |
actually i_terran hasnt prodiced any really good stuff. all the "good" maps are just mods of maps by others ;s |
lnept | | |
could anyone upload a version that isnt locked? i really want to mod this map because its very boring as is. |
lnept | | |
uploaded a really good replay, me against exalted if anyone wants to see |
GriG | | |
Good map modified by GriG |
boongee | | |
dam guys this kid is on to something. I think he's got us on this one. |
For2Motion | | |
You stupid? |
boongee | | |
dam that was really clever grig. |
spinesheath | | |
somehow this reminds me of a map I often played on bnet, I think it was called Luna or something. |
Cenerae | | |
*snicker* |
Moebius | | |
*cough* |
LML | | |
luna............ |
Crackling | | |
lt clone |
Testbug | | |
hmmm center looks empty :P
this is a very simple simple map, not much doodads, and feels good.
bt purple main looks retard, rotate the pic 90º anti-clockwise and you'll see purple is retarded |
Grief_Stricken | | |
just can't resist to upload this rep 2v2;mym vs tot
what i have to read here - luna is an lt clone for crackling;you & your reckless comparisons.where are the cliffs on the nats?where are the islands?and the second path over the bridge where is it on lt?
...konnichi wa! |
spinesheath | | |
"lt clone" is a meme on bwmn. It is not meant to be a serious statement.
Btw it's "kon'nichi wa" ("こんにちわ"). What you wrote would be "こっにちわ", which doesn't really exist. |
Grief_Stricken | | |
"lt clone" is a meme on bwmn. It is not meant to be a serious statement." -however,a stupid one.if one thing different from that what someone's pretended why it has to be called so?
a typical spinesheath statement;defending a stupidity & in return he "teach" me a bit japanese;lol.btw,japs have their own fonts like the chinese or koreans - and in english you can write it however you want;the way it's pronounced is something else - and how you wrote it is still not right for that you have stressed yourself for nothing.just curious how long you need to find that crap? |
Testbug | | |
"you & your reckless comparisons"
come on Grief, why are you always that ungry?
calm down! there were lots of lt clone in this site, so he was kiding writing "lt clone" everywhere, no matter if the map looks like lt.
it was so funny. |
spinesheath | | |
Actually Romaji are fairly standadized. If a kana is preceded by a small tsu (っ), you express that in Romaji by doubling the consonant. Because the kana ん (n) in front of na, ni, nu, ne, or no can cause it to look as if the "n" was doubled you have to specify that this is not the case. Most commonly done with the apostrophy (n'ni).
Romaji are a written form of the Japanese language that express kana with the Latin alphabet (hence ROMAji). Of course the Japanese don't write like that usually, I suppose it was introduced for language-teaching or maybe for computers before the introduction of UNICODE.
I didn't have to search for this "crap" because actually I am somewhat interested in the Japanese language. I know the "alphabets", some words and a bit of the grammar. I am not doing this seriously, just every now and then out if interest.
"""lt clone" is a meme on bwmn. It is not meant to be a serious statement." -however,a stupid one.if one thing different from that what someone's pretended why it has to be called so?"
But you DO know that this is the internet?
I don't think that there are ANY memes that are NOT stupid. |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
what is a meme? |
Nightmarjoo | | |
iC.Power | | |
Thou shalt not bump a map without good reason. |
Nightmarjoo | | |
bump modified by Nightmarjoo |
HoboRobo | | |
Instead of useless bumping fix pix plx |
Excalibur | | |
Unprotected and made a new pic:
If anyone with the pass wants to upload it be my guest. :3 |
Excalibur | | |
Anyone gonna update new pic? |