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Last update for (2)SlitThroat Island : 2009, 05, 12 23:29
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3643 (2)SlitThroat Island otherZerilous2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Very short rush distance, Terran doesn't have to push far to get to your doorstep. It also looks kinda tight in the middle; although there's kinda room for a flank, the terran can affect the battle simply by putting siege tanks along the ledge at the edge of their base.

Interesting idea with the backdoor harassment route.

Gas issues at 9:00 main and natural.

For the expansions at the top left and bottom right, can't glitches happen when minerals are placed right next to the edge of the map?

Why is it called SlitThroat Island? Where's the island?
It's alright and a bit creative but as 4rsitole said the distance is pretty short.

The other problems are the expo being attacked from behind.
Thanks, I'll remember that next time. Oh, and about the name. The map was originall sourounded by water from all side but I felt thatwas wasted space so I added the expos to the top-left and bottom-right, and some other adjustments.
The backdoor is really awkwardly placed, your sl blocks the pathing which all sorts of potential to be messy. Also, using xel naga temples makes them unuseable imo. You should use a neutral with a lot less hp. Perhaps the Protoss Temple which has 1500 hp. Or maybe a psi disruptor, which has 2000 hp and is repairable.

Gas issue, put red's geyser on top.

Your mineral formations are messy.

Your mains seem awkward to me.

A lot of wasted space where there's water.
The highground gas expos have too much space.

The nat is really awkward, there's no ovy spot, it looks hard to FE pvz.

Then, ultimately I don't think the map will work very well because the distances from nat to nat are just too short. You could potentially adress this by making the bridge (nat choke thing) gated by 2 neutral assimilators like in Troy and Battle Royale. You even could just block it with 1 neutral assimilator and 1 geyser in the same manner, which would make it a tight path to start off with like the nat2nat path in Bluestorm.

The lowground gas expos are really awkward imo.
Original IMO ,not that bad but it could use some work.

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