| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Enrichment : 2009, 08, 04 04:53
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 3789 | (4)Enrichment | 128*128 | lMPERVlOUS | 2.5 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
lMPERVlOUS | | | So, I made another map, and I like how it is turning out. That is why I posted it.
The single minerals near the lurker egg blocks are 120, it is a single temple on the ramp into the main, and the vespene geysers in the double-gas expo are 2500.
Other than that, it is how it looks.
The concept behind the map was to use the lurker eggs and temple to reduce early rushes, and make it a difficult choice where to make your first expansion. One spot is more protected, but the other has two geysers.
Doodads are still to come, but the bulk of the map is finished.
Critique please. | tktkvroom | | | looks like a good concept just need to get decoration down alot better, like more curves, less lines | NastyMarine | | | the flow of the map seems nonexistent. the map could be reshaped (ramps leading into passage ways/expos and unused space). Rotating certain ramps into different areas and shifting some terrain can have a big effect on the players reasoning when approaching build orders and unit movement. I think you have a great idea here. You should definitely make updates to this. | levelzx | | | I like the concept, but the map seems still unfinished, lots of cliffs look ugly. I'd say T>Z>P, cause Terran can secure the wider ramp to 2-gas natural from this little hill inside his base. And if Zerg can secure 3 gases in natural, he'll be almost unstoppable.
Blue and Purple mains are a little bigger than Red and Teal, i think. Also, I'm not sure, but Teal may have a tankable startpoint at main, while the other are secure. | coV | | | The natural with the 2 geyser leading to the other natural seems to easy to grab, unless you make it more further apart or more open, so it's easier to attack. | LarJarsE | | | Top left/bottom right egg blocks allow a gap if one egg is killed, and the other bases allow a gap after both eggs are killed. Just a small imbalance.
And those bases look smaller than the opposites (and their higher expos bigger) modified by LarJarsE | lMPERVlOUS | | | Wow. Lots of comments.
I will work on the deco later, I want to try to get as much of the imbalances out of the way first. Plus - it would be a waste of time if I have to re-do the map completely.
@ NastyMarine - How would you suggest I change the ramps/shift terrain to improve the flow of the map?
I will check the main sizes when I get some time, and I'll adjust appropriately.
I think I will add a third ramp to the dual-gas natural - facing towards the centre of the map, to make it more difficult to secure.
I will probably redo this map completely, this was just an idea when I started it. I posted it because I thought it had some potential. I have a good 30 to 40 sitting in a folder on my computer right now, that I haven't uploaded, because I didn't like how they were turning out (including 4 for the Random Map Competition.....).
I know that if a single egg gets killed, the path to two of the mains is walkable. I don't really have any way of avoiding that, unless I change the design dramatically. I will have to try to think of something.
Thanks for the feedback. |
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