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Last update for (2)CloakandDagger : 2009, 09, 14 23:57
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3853 (2)CloakandDagger 96*96Excalibur0.5betaground

The map has been rated 59 times and got a total of 27 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Nothin to say really, pretty standard map, finished deco before upload this time. I don't like how the high ruins look, I'll probably be replacing them with something nicer looking.
needs more gas.

Mutas > natural
Naturals look way too open.
You can replace the ruins with some bridge tiles.
I like the backdoor for the second natural.
And the path seems tight in middle IMO.
I'll tighten the nats a bit.
Noted on the ruins.
Thank you.
Suggestions to open mid? Maybe widen the standard ramp?
this is a really good map, i like it. the paths behind the expos top right bottom left are really cool

yea the middle might be a bit tight but its a 96x96 map so its intended for fast games with not as big of armies

gj man i really like this. I'll get some tests games in tonight on it
Thanks TK. Im working on a 128x128 4p version.

If everyone could check out the thread here:

It'd mean a lot. I really need some help.
To make middle more bigger, maybe you should get rid of the small piece of high dirt, and if you want widened the regular ramps.
this is a beautifully created map 10/10 for concept, design, and execution
bridge tiles for highground is not good at all.

Why don't you just place ruins with the rectangular mode in SCMD2, and add a few of the walkable ruins doodads? The most important thing is to get rid of the repetitiveness.

Nasty, you seem to be giving out high ratings as if you had too many of them. Giving 10/10 always is bad because it discourages improvements. 9.99/10 is a better rating.
lol thanks Nasty but I know its not that good. I know Im not that good.
1.1 Changes:
Tightened nats
Turret room added to nats
Mid ramps widened
Deco changed
Wall-ins now possible, but requires an extra building
modified by Excalibur
Also where the fuck is Marjoo? Want Marjoo comments on my map too. :C
1.2 Changes:
Tightened nats properly, before I forgot to close in/change the edge near the bridge.
Equaled rocky ground by nats, ISOM screwed it up a bit before.
I like everything..
..but building space may be something you should think about. buildable terrain is severely limited in this map.

are those trees in main buildable?
The trees aren't but they're so close to the edge it doesn't take much space away.

Quite honestly, when I look at the mains and their arrangements in promaps vs normal BWMN maps, our mains seem to be too large most times, taking up too much space. I think for a 96x96 map there is enough space, and anyone who knows how to properly place their buildings should do fine.
I wasn't speaking about the mains, but everywhere else. Buildable terrain is zero outside of mains and the tiny expo areas.
Good. The map is tight, which is good for T, no random build space hurts T. I don't see a problem.

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