| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Right in Two : 2010, 01, 28 10:22
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 3993 | (2)Right in Two | 128*128 | kaappp | 2.3 | final | ground | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
kaappp | | | Made for Team Liquid map design contest. | kaappp | | | 1.2
Minerals in the center were splited into 2 different groups.
Temple in the center was removed
Added temples at 7 and 2
Entrance to the center high ground is now wider
At 11 and 5 (Spawn Sites) it is now impossible to make early tank attack at the minerals and gas.
Please comment and make sudjestments :) modified by kaappp | kaappp | | | Uploaded a replay, me and my friend testing this map. | sWaGu | | | im imagining path issue | kaappp | | | Changed path to the second expansions.
Removed ramps and temples in the top and bottom.
The right top and bottom left expansions are now open for the low ground.
With this changes i tried to make it harder to hold the expansions.
Thanks to Mmeoww for some ideas :) modified by kaappp | kaappp | | | Final version | JungleTerrain | | | The natural is ridiculously big, imo, the map is too big. The big long spiral highground passagewayss to get to the gas expoes at 3 and 9 oclock are long, narrow, and just annoying, largely unnecessary. Where do you expand to get your third gas? Because of this, the map becomes very antizerg, especially in long games. The expoes at the corners of the map, which are blocked by temples, are just so far from the opponent and hard to get to since there is only choke leading into it that it's just annoying to have as part of the map. The temples don't help at all. Each player has 3 expoes when the map is split, while 2 of those per player are gas and hard to take and annoying to take, as I've said before.
Long distances between expoes makes countering extremely less effective, which removes some aspect of excitement from the game, imo. I feel as if the map could be made on 128x96 size or something of the sort and it would work much better. | kaappp | | | where have you been before ?! :D |
| Replays
- - vs Mmeoww(1on1, 1.15)
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