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Last update for (2)Haerospace : 2007, 07, 03 15:13
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
408 (2)Haerospace 128*128trcc2.5final

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

This is a pretty symetrical map, except the large high platforms (damn ramps)

You can gain acess to the nat by 3 different ways.

1.Path leading to middle

2.Bridge area

3.small narrow passage that only small units can use ( backdoor entrance )

Middle is big but has some flanking possibilities, with some buildable areas ..

Hope you like it :)
Hmm... i like and dislike it somehow.

What i dislike is the tileset. I know that you've chosen the tileset because of the stairs in the edges, but the rest of the map looks very natural shaped, so that does not fit really (in my eyes, most other users think different on that as we know ;) btw, the stairs can be used by every unit except ultralisk, so the difference to a normal ramp or smaller ramp with scmdraft isn't really big. And i dislike the position of the "natural" min-only, but i also have no idea where to put it instead.

Anyway, the whole design is quite good and i think the map plays very well.
I like it;)
Another very nice looking and solid playing map by trcc;)
You are a mapping machine-_-
:)I like the small bridges too like in jungle titleset
another nice map.

You know what would make this map even cooler? If you made a cool design with solar array pannels in the middle.
Another map is stumbled upon my restless search for recommended maps...

trcc, update this map, it's great already.

I'd get rid of the harassing part, or the bridge near the natural and would add, as yenku said, some better looking "tribals" with solar array.

Map itself is really nice, keep updating it!
The little stairs...the lest-sided wall's one doesn't allow goliaths, tanks, vultures and such to climb up, while the right-sided wall's steps are climbable...I think it should be modified somehow
wrong :)

these stairs are climbable/walkable with every unit, except the ultralisk.

the others only need some more clicks and won`t run up sometimes when you don't watch them. but they work for every unit.
Undying Lands' inspiration?
LOL! @ joel

LOL! @ flo

my comment on joel's statement: Nope, on undying lands i basically freestyled the whole map actually.
You don't see the similarities, flo? Oh well, looks like something Nasty would look at and keep concepts of it but make it his own, and I can see Nasty-rationale that would make this the other, but guess not :)

/on crack

lol :) It is a very well done map tho. Constructed nicely. THis is probably one of the most solid maps i've seen at bwmn actually.

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