| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Polyphemus : 2005, 09, 09 17:32
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 411 | (2)Polyphemus | 128*96 | megamonk | 2.5 | final | | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
megamonk | | | New version of a map I made recently. The old one was too huge for two players, so the width is now 128. I just finished it, so I still need to play test it. But I thought I would upload it and get some feedback while I wait at work :( | panschk | | | TvZ: The natural is sooo far away, zerg prolly won't be able to fast expand, and he could not 2-hatch expo anyway. Looks highly imbalanced to me.
TvP: Terran will have trouble defending his wallin early game (have you tested wallin btw?), but afterwards the terrain is quite terran-friendly. A little bit more flanking room might be usefull.
PvZ: I don't know the matchup that well. Imo both players will play from one base for a long time, looks okay to me.
So do something for TvZ fast expansion and open it up a bit in the middle, and we have a good map:) | panschk | | | also, make a bigger picture on next update. 768*512 or something;) | Your Name | | | Update:
Naturals have taken a big jump towards main ramp to make ZVT balance better.
I did add one iso space in the middle for flanking, but I don't think much more space is needed here. The min only openings and the big cliff ramps were made for flanking. | megamonk | | | ^me
oh...and thanks on the image size, panschk. |
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