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Last update for (4)Kinosjourneys Ashtray : 2010, 08, 31 08:24
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4173 (4)Kinosjourneys Ashtray 128*128Kinosjourney revised by gnom2.4betaground

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Okay, this hopefully works. Password is "1"
It's a copy of Kinosjourney's "Ashtray",
which like he said, randomly crushed on battle net?

I remade the map and fixed some minor things which in my eye were relevant and reuploaded it.
I couldn't hold myself back as i wanted a 3rd Gas at the middle of the map. :P

All rights belong to the author,
the user "Kinosjourney" came up with the basic map and concept!

Fell free to edit it!
gl hf & gg
Middle gasses are 2500 and no unit can pass by the eggs at 6 o clock.
modified by Gnom
lol, you actually edited nothing.
He edited mineral lines, the corner expos has awful mineral lines now though. But the gasses was a nice change, i thought it was too much for a 98x98.

Thanks, Gnom ^^
modified by Kinosjourney
Why he didn't just tell you what to change if he just edit mineral lines and add gas, lol.
Lol, also you did some weird Egg placement.
I changed that furthermore, procure to use "sprites
snap to grid" which will results in a less buggy map.

@Siabbo, you're right, i didnt change much, though i would have wanted to. Its Kinosjourneys map, not mine, and big changes @ pathing or stuff like that would distort the actual map, so , this is just a "" friendlier version.. telling kinosjourney what to do would have:
1) not have done what i exactly wanted
2) seemed a little arrogant :P

ah and Kinosjourney, you dont have to thank me if you dont want to, lol im open for critics in every possible way..
the fact that i did modify the map a bit doesnt mean it gets better, as kinosjourney does better maps then i do.

i just was trying to solve that "random crash issue". my intention was not to change the actual map!
modified by Gnom
Haha, i don't make better maps than you!

My maps are trash and are usually something that just happens when i open the map maker while im bored. Also, after i think of a cool base lay-out i usually have no clue what to do with the rest of the map and it comes out shitty as im way too lazy to redo maps and keep trying different things.
modified by Kinosjourney
Being modest, huh ? :)

I know what you mean with "being lazy", but as soon as you make a map, it doesnt turn out that bad, lol.
Im close to 80 unfinished maps in my maps folder, i usually get a good idea but then the rest of the map is empty and i just do something stupid which ruins the whole map.

Im working on a 8 player map atm which is turning out bad too but we'll see if i can salvage it :p
Haha,i know exactly what you mean, i have way more then the 4 maps i uploadedinmyfolder too, but they are too screwed, though the idea behind them arent that bad. lol. there goesour fate and destiny;
ruining our maps preventing them from ever joining the bwmn databse x]

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