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Last update for (2) Status Ballin : 2010, 08, 21 17:08
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4171 (2) Status Ballin 128*96ptar aka SpinosA2.6finalground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Couldn't sleep last night, galaxy editor was fucking annoying so i remembered the good old days with scmdraft and started making a map.

Here's the product, at first i just wanted to make some terrain but ended up with a whole new melee map.

Old scheme, 128x96, 2 players, 4 gas expansions, 2 min onlys.

I don't accept complains about those fucking ramps, they rubbed me 2 hours of my life. :p
(same for "bridges")

So last thing to say: Feels nice to see a map of mine here again :D Even if i think with sc2 the interest in sc1 maps has gone even below zero.

~~~ ptarisch map by ptar !!!! ftw
Welcome back into the botherhood of bw-mapping >:)
Sc1 is still alive, don't worry.

So, as to the map I'd say its execution is really
well done!
I like this map a lot, though the nat is too open for my taste ;)

Let's see what the others have got for you.

thumbs up, keep it on.
I'll definitely download the final version of this map (i see you've put it to final, but im sure there will be some constructive critics.)
who are you?

btw, the nat is soooo open
and your ramps are bad
First. Main = 9 minerals and natural 7 minerals plz.
Then more about the map:

-Natural is so so so so hard to defend, almost impossible to defend to zerg. High ground there isn't helping at all either.. Natural is also badly placed.

-Minonly is weird, too wierd. It will block path and it will be too hard to defend too.

-3rd gas is too hard to zerg. 3rd gas needs some kind of choke so Lurkers could defend it.

-Islands are pretty meh, this is hard thing to zerg again.

Overall, this map hates zerg.
modified by SiaBBo
I should stop sc2 mapping for a sec and go back to scmdraft 2 as well. So much easier.
ptar this is probably the worst ptar-map you've ever made ._.
For a Ptar map, its surprisingly different. Because 99% of your other maps were 99% the same. :P
I'm not a big fan of this map, but nontheless im glad to see that yet another old mapper is back.

Welcome back, Ptar :)
he's not old rofl, you're just new
I am new, but i respect people who have been members longer than me. I also have played quite a couple of his maps.

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