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Last update for (3)Grains of Sand : 2020, 09, 29 18:02
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4263 (3)Grains of Sand 128*128Freakling and CrystalDrag1.9betaground

The map has been rated 87 times and got a total of 162 points


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Comments:   GMCS (3 elements)

Time to take some action...
blue seems to be further away from the other 2 players :
What's important in a 3P map is Nat to nat distances. Of course adjustments are needed. Don't complain. This is about participation.
If only there was an option for a circular map as well as rectangular.....Would make odd players(3,5,7) so much easier to work with.
there is in sc 2 lol
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Looks pointless.
modified by Freakling
no, LasTCursE is right.
Red main should be moved a little.

gigantic mains.
too long main to nat distance.

in a game, this map will feel bigger than (3)Christmast Gift
Reverse el nino main placement concept may be ?
"no, LasTCursE is right.
Red main should be moved a little."
Yes, northwards, probably everything also needs to be rotated a bit, but that also depends on the layout of the rest of the map, of course.

"gigantic mains.
too long main to nat distance."
It's just a starting point. Sizes and shapes need major ajustments.

"in a game, this map will feel bigger than (3)Christmast Gift"
Too early to tell...
Anyone working on this?
Im doing a skilled work for school, im out of this for like half a month.
Feel free 2 DIY, LC. I've got more updates to do than I like and I came up with a nice 3p layout I wanna try on my own, so I won't do anything on this one in the near future.
I'm more for the polishing and beauty parts than building the whole concept of the map :D
I like forked pathing. Like a V shaped block (tar or broken cliff) outside the nat.
uhhh.... Is anyone going to do something? Or do I have to come up with a central concept again?
you do that :D
I might work on later.
You're my hero crystal (feel free to adapt main and nat postions, terrain levels and types etc. to your needs)
I'm working on a jungle map of mine so i'm out of this one for a while i'll help too as soon as i finish it :p
MHmm i am perfecting a jungle map of mine too so i think in one or two days ill post it.
Nooooooooooooo! NOT ANOTHER JUNGLE MAP... ;)
There is My contribution! o.o Is it good that someone can work with or should i put back the original one?. I was thinking for the middle to be low ground. But i didnt want to do everything.

The long area for 10 o clock might be longer than the others, i dunno cause the map plays tricks on my eyes, with width bigger than heigth
modified by crystaldrag
not half bad but i like the shape but i don't like the third it's far too normal we should do something funky with this map :
It's not a 3rd, it's a minonly... But I don't like how it's already wasting so much space... Mains, nats and chokes still seem pretty uneven.
Mhm! thats for yall to work with ke ke ke while i go play SC.
Sorry, I kekeke my own project right now. It's also 3p. And it's not jungle!
ke ke ke is my laughing. O.o
It's instalation ? :D
Two dropable expansions, very close together = bad
The "hole" there is useless because you can attack both expansions from the high ground. I'm not entirely sure, but I think you could hit both command centers without moving tanks.
first one sailed smoothly, lets try not to let the second community map die!!!!
It's cuz most of us are doing another map atm and the bwmn map2 got a bit frozen in progress :D
Longinus ?
Er... BUMP.
A community map, this needs some re-doing in all aspects, odd player maps are really picky.
Desert tile-set can prove to be hard to work with, should be a challenge when we get it rolling again.
Desert tileset has some limitations, but on trhe other also allows for really great features, both mechanic and deco wise.

And yes, this needs some work. The whole layout and space distribution needs an overhaul. Maybe you can do it, leZerg :D Adapt terrain levels as you want them and add some expos or something.
modified by Freakling
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Im digging the 2nd option (:
But I think the bases distribution should still be different, something less around the lines of a longinus or a Triathlon symmetry and a bit more like Athena or Moon Glaive.
Triathlon and moon glaive have the same start locals ? but feel free to invert em to make it like athena if you like :)
The funny thing is that you can play around with start locations on a 3p map a lot but probably will always end up with some rotated or mirrored version of some very basic standards... One would be like Longinus were both mains and nats are at the sides of the map and the other ones like Rush Hour or Outsider were the nats are towards the center from the mains.

Second one could be nice. Can you add some more of a full expo layout?
modified by Freakling
Lol, i completely missed it! I'll take a glance at it tomorrow.
3 version of main +nat +3 versions when rotated = 6 versions of main layout so now experiment whit ideas for some other parts! :
What version are you all working on ?
A) The one from the observer and the top picture
B) The one from the melee with the low ground
C) The one with the lowground mains
D) Another one :
I'm on B) and C) personaly got a new idea for high mains and low map too :
I think we should have at least a minonly + 3rd added to the layout before we start to discuss/decide on the terraih levels again.
Well i personaly think we should decide the terrain level and then put the third (the min only is last if there is a good place somewhere) but that's my opinion

We don't even have the main spots yet :
modified by LasTCursE
We don't?
Well we have theese but we can also make them like Athena or El Nino to have more space
Oh c'mon... I feel like Melting Pot already turned way too much into a Freakling map. Some one else do something about this, please. I promise, I'll help out with deco and details later.
I would do something, but i think i'm going to ruin it :(
Maybe i would do something stupid xD
stupid and ruining >>> nothing
I would give it a go but.. Map is just so bad :( Positionings, distances, the mains/nats/min only ideas are bad, just noticed map is already on high round, and nats AND min onlys are tankable from same cliff ..
Just bad.. I do want to give it a go, I would go from scratch, maybe keep a thing or 2 but.. dam

Map needs a good base 2 start building a strong pyramid, a good start basically, dont promise anything tho

I am unhappy with how standard map is.. low ground main, low ground nat.. bad, no flavor.. need something + interesting..
Suggestions 4 mains and nats? Be creative I dont know back doors, neutrals, spells, god knows, BRAIN STORM!
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
Do whatever you want as an ideaaaaaaaaa and post a picture for everyone to comment on it.. if it's good we add to the map it's that simple and with a idea or two from 1,another idea from 2nd,third idea from someone else and we got ourself's a MAP!!!

modified by LasTCursE
Last already posted alternatives... Do it from scratch, if you want. If it still turns out terrible we need to play around with yet another idea. So what?
I have added my idea, it's probably stupid but a very basic idea of what I got on mind...Maybe you can take it as a starting point and think of something better. :)
From an unknown reason the map I'm trying to upload stays still the same on bwmn, so I'll upload it somewhere else.


Btw, as stylezerg said:this map needs a lot of balance work in order to be playable. Still a lot of work to do though we can make it guys. :)
modified by tellur
I like the double ramp idea something like destination or god\'s garden could work well in here! :)) the tar thing tho is pointless in my opinion and just wastes space :

And we need to make the map then figure out the balance issues lolz :P we don't have final main spots xD
modified by LasTCursE
Needs moar bump...
Lack of ambition?
Well. I might try to fix this. -__- But i do not like odd player maps... But im out of school so ill have alot of time.
If (3) maps are really such a big deal for you make it a (4)...
I also despise desert terrain....
I also despise compound.
Couldn't sleep, so I put down this concept... I think the middle structure need to move some tiles north and the outer parts rotated counterclockwise a bit... I guess it's pretty obvious were the expos are intended to be.
I may tweak it tomorrow, add ramps, bridges, minerals and stuff...
I'll take your word that you'll decorate it for me, Crystal (it's without compound ;D)
:D Mkay!
teal has a nice big gap in his base ... hehe
i can see some freakling ramps in the middle ^^
You get the idea :D
wtf happend to this map lol
YEEAAAHH! (Never rushed a map this fast - which to your certain discomfort means that there quite some tweaking left to do like... everywhere...). Anyway... Uploaded as melee version. Happy decoing.
WOW, that mid is so much awesome :O
I might as well repair some tiles on ramps but maaaan, I have to learn ;[ well let's see in the evening
modified by tellur
I like the middle the rest not so much ^^

Made Some deco and terrain adjustments to the mains and naturals :
Did you jjust deco it without balancing out sizes and stuff O_o?
Awesome. :) No one else TOUCH the map. im going to spend. 7 hours decorating mayb? (max) Muahahaha.
Balancing size isnt dont freakling? O_O
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Lolol Sry.
The balance of sizes of mains and nats and distances arnt finished?

3 oclock looks smaller than the rest

modified by crystaldrag
Jea ill do that :) Was plannning to do that anyway.
I dislike how open the middle is, especially that giant area outside the bottom left natural before the ramp blends. Maybe throw some tar in there?
modified by Phobic
Mkay ill throw some tar in as i do deco
Crystal, to what extent do you deco maps for people, deco has never been my strong suite....
Hmm ill Deco probably anything... im running out of concepts for my maps. :O
Plus i have a hell lot of time on my hands.
lol 86 comments later... do we actually have a map?
Id love 2 give map a go but.. im just sooooOOOO0000 lazy now a days.. haha I dont even give my maps a go
I don't know whether you've done any deco already... So I spammed the GMCS with my thoughts on neccessary fine adjustments.
I still think we should change the third and fourth i don't like em very much ^^

Too close to eachother
Both very easy to defend (and connected even.. it's like a main nat concept where if you get one you get the other one without much effort)
Both having 2 small entrances very close to each other to the middleish part of the map which have nothing in between but open space :
modified by LasTCursE
I have an idea (and it's so obvious): Move the hill expos to the ridges, like in Dantes Peak... That moves them significantly away from the low ground expos, allows for a wider choke and allows for better use of space wit more leeway for adjustments and makes it easier to keep tank range distance between the nat and low gorund expo formations.
Yeah i had the same idea my self but we have to make it so you can't tank the main from there :

I'll try making it work tonight when i get back on the pc :
modified by LasTCursE
I can do it myself, but I want some feetback from cystal concerning deco first. If he has a half finished decorated map lying around I would prefer working on that one or implement the changes himself instead of having him redeco everything or have to copy over the deco form one map to the other (which would not match up anyway)...
if you do it you might call it Freakling's map cuz you done everything on it lol
Sigh.... Worked on it for about 8 hours.. Didnt even pay attention to what yall were saying...

Nats are not tankable from third...
made 4th ramp larger

ramp at main to nat is wallable 2 depot 1 rax
Forge FE needs forge/gateway/2zeal

Sooo tired...
made it lezerg's bright picture. :)
modified by crystaldrag
Deco looks nice, picture is pure eyerape, though.
I rather don't like those random unpassable doodads out in the open.
I also realized that there are hardly any good ovi spots.

You can do it Last, nothing ahgainst it, I definitely think those adjustents are needed. I just wanted you to wait for crystal''s decoed version so he wouldn't have to redo all the deco.
:) Last You get rid of the unpassable doodads, make ovie spots, do w/e changes. Ill take the map then and then do the deco all over again ^^

If your gonna move the hill expos to the ends then use some of that space for ovie spot :D
modified by crystaldrag
High compound to tar blends via some bridge tiles or something could allow for Nat ovi spots... Not sure if they'd look decent, though...

Hmm... Looking at it in the editor some stuff seems rather meh...
Why have you put all those normal high dirt tiles on the ramps, for example?
modified by Freakling
Ehh there is some of that at ..... the 3rd player... but compound does NOT blend at all with high dirt.. :( Was trying to convert entire 3rd players base to compound.
Removed the unwalkable stuff. There is still the issue of the ovie spots,... And then moving the hills ?
Wow its looking good, great map!
Oh and BTW yes I got comment # 100!!!
modified by sTY_leZerg-eX
XD I got 101?
Lol... You wanna add something LEZERG?
humm i dont know map is looking fine as is.
But how u guys feeling some swarms?
I would add em ontop of the middle min onlys and maybe also the very middle.. (but not sure)
Er... no... no swarms... Definitely...
So what other issue beside ovie spots?
Yeah thought so, o and the ovi spots I was gona mention..
Look I like the map but it looks like a Freakling work hardcore :( (Ik u gave it a go cd, im just saying it looks that way)
All i did was deco. :D
So bascially just me and freakling if no one else touches it XD Wouldnt be a community map.
Can i touch it :3 (ruin it) xD
Just kiddin
The map looks really good.
Do you guys have a channel you guys meet in online? I\'m pretty sure you guys play ICCup. It\'d be cool to test some maps out, including this one, sometime.

Im not too good tho, prolly like C- C :O
modified by JungleTerrain
Hey, you're better than me. Crystal started a thread about this over here ->
Back when I was doing my dual map making team maps with TK we used AIM, its a great program which I recommend, its easy 2 chat and send each other pics or maps, for updates, and that way the map is much more of a duo because of the great communication
I was wondering if you guys have seen Nightmarjoo around, or if he retired already?
Hes stalking us. :D
Nightmare Joe is always watching :D
Lol I still remember the kitty!
The community maps turn out to be better than some pro league ones ^^
modified by LasTCursE
Wasn't someone going to move the highground gas expos?
LastCurse was suppose to do it. :P
And i thought it was the min onlies.
How long is this going to take? XD
Mayb.. 80 more comments. :D
min onlyes are perfect as it is now
I still think we should change the third and fourth i don't like em very much ^^

Too close to eachother
Both very easy to defend (and connected even.. it's like a main nat concept where if you get one you get the other one without much effort)
Both having 2 small entrances very close to each other to the middleish part of the map which have nothing in between but open space :
- LasTCursE

I have an idea (and it's so obvious): Move the hill expos to the ridges, like in Dantes Peak... That moves them significantly away from the low ground expos, allows for a wider choke and allows for better use of space wit more leeway for adjustments and makes it easier to keep tank range distance between the nat and low gorund expo formations. - Freakling

Yeah i had the same idea my self but we have to make it so you can't tank the main from there :

I'll try making it work tonight when i get back on the pc :
- LasTCursE

I can do it myself, but I want some feetback from cystal concerning deco first. If he has a half finished decorated map lying around I would prefer working on that one or implement the changes himself instead of having him redeco everything or have to copy over the deco form one map to the other (which would not match up anyway)... - Freakling

if you do it you might call it Freakling's map cuz you done everything on it lol - LastCurse

Sigh.... Worked on it for about 8 hours.. Didnt even pay attention to what yall were saying... - crystaldrag

I think this explains it perfectly.
Fuckin' awesome map, great job guys :)
Freakling let us finish this!
I have a half-finished reworked version of this... But deco needs to be completely redone...
Lol@deco needs to be completely re-done. This may never be finished. ;)
Not that good at map making so dunno if these suggestions will help...
-But instead of having two expos right next to eachother with gas, maybe make one of them gas and the other one mineral only, and instead make the center expansions gas? Again still amateur map maker so not sure if itll help

Also Red's main looks kinda ugly in my opinion :P
I don't see what that will add to the map...
I was thinking that it might be too safe if you expand to one of the third gases, you're able to get a fourth gas pretty easily, but if the fourth gas were in the middle they would be harder to defend?
Blue's main is significantly smaller (and more tankable) than the other two; 3rd and 4th are too close. Indefensible min onlys? Really?
One thing I notice is that Blue has a bit easier time defending since its nat choke leads right to the cliff of the min only.

Uploaded with

How this .-.
Still somewhat unhappy with the 3rd and fourth...
What are the bugs you mentioned for this one?
I really like this one
Ramps are total bullshit.

--babo vs bakuryu(1on1, 1.15)

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