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Last update for (3)Hazard Black : 2017, 07, 20 23:50
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4313 (3)Hazard Black 128*128Freakling2.3betaground

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Freakling. 100% sure. Very kewl design. Me like

Aww you edited the author so now ima look like an idiot.
modified by crystaldrag
Why? You got it right. Maybe it was too easy :P

Most doodads/deco are still missing. Western and northern nats are pretty incomplete in particular. Nat backdoors are going to be blocked of course (planning is on an egg wall of some sort).

EDIT: OK, download works now. It's not really playable, though, because the nats chokes and ovi cliffs are mostly unfinished. But you should look at on the minmap, it's really cool.
modified by Freakling
Opened it up. First thing that went to mind was that the sign was awesome. :D

blue's nat choke is a bit smaller than otherse of 8 spaces.

Red and blue can build a rax at the backdoor once eggs go down and be safe, but teal needs to build a depot there too. :O

Thats all i saw wrong besides the straight edges on the shale, but im sure ull do that with DEc.
>>"nats need work and deco isn't done"<<
Blue's nat choke is horizontal though and thus harder to wall, so that's intended.

EDIT: *Irk* I accidently voted my own map with 0 points *shakehead*
modified by Freakling
Oh me did not see that edit :P
Well me is going to look forwards to updates :D

And what idiot rated this a 0. They fail.
modified by crystaldrag
*lol* Yeah, I sooo do.
Freakling 3 map!!! And i thought u where a even map player exclusively (:
First glance I like it, sexy middle..
2nd glance:
- I think the ash terrain choice is working against you in this precise map. Jungle, ice, badlands, or even desert would have been better.
- Bit of positional imba, but that is very hard to avoid specially on odd player maps.
- Im liking the custom terrain.
- I love the middle in general, great high/low ground, cliff, pathing combination.
-Minny map middle looks kick ass.
- Red and blues minerals and gas seem a bit 2 close 2 the edges (To harassable) 1 or 2 blocks should do it.
- 2 much gas and minerals... you should keep all expos but seriously reduce some stuff.. (I would not remove any expos, but something need 2 be done 4 sure)
- I dont like reds middle expo, the minerals are poorly placed.
- Distances are a bit weird in some parts of the map, but its not that big of a deal, considering all in all.
- Looks a bit like a z map 2 me..
- And the are some errors of copy paste terrain in the middle, u should perfect it. (there is some in the ramps, and some in the middle edges)

So 4 now thats all I can think of.
"- I think the ash terrain choice is working against you in this precise map. Jungle, ice, badlands, or even desert would have been better."
-Howso? Jungle is overused, ice to be avoided if not desperately required or dirt havy layout (which this wouldn't be on ice), badlands and desert aren't really superior here and none of those has a big red biohazard sign in the minimap!

"- Bit of positional imba, but that is very hard to avoid specially on odd player maps."
-I just sacraficed a bit of perfect symmetry for good space usage.

"- Red and blues minerals and gas seem a bit 2 close 2 the edges (To harassable) 1 or 2 blocks should do it."
- I don't get it. They're standard distance to the edge with 2 tiles latitude.

"- 2 much gas and minerals... you should keep all expos but seriously reduce some stuff.. (I would not remove any expos, but something need 2 be done 4 sure)"
- Some reduced gas/mineral counts are the obvious solution.

"- I dont like reds middle expo, the minerals are poorly placed."
Is this a purey aesthetic remark?

"- Distances are a bit weird in some parts of the map, but its not that big of a deal, considering all in all."
- I think I avoided real imbalances and still achieved an almost perfect usage of space.

"- Looks a bit like a z map 2 me.."
- It certainly supports monility a lot but also has plenty of easily camped on expos and expos along the push routes.

"- And the are some errors of copy paste terrain in the middle, u should perfect it. (there is some in the ramps, and some in the middle edges)"
- There are no errors, it's just not completely don yet.
I love the biohazard sign in the middle !!

Red and blues minerals and gas seem a bit 2 close 2 the edges (To harassable) 1 or 2 blocks should do it

Btw what do you mean with that i don't see any too harasable expo or main in the entire map, i rather think that all of the expos may be too safe even except for the one in the middle
modified by LasTCursE
lol do u have to deny everything I tell u.. ? Just trying to give u some feed back, and a piece of my mined. Freaky u aint perfect, no mater how much ud like to think so..
Freakling's maps/ramps = better than everyboduelse's :D
modified by LasTCursE
I like the concept, though it's far from done.

Im sure the finished product will be awesome :D
Ash maps are inherently awesome so yeah.
love the sign looking forward to more
@leZerg: I didn't reject you, just wanted to explain the priorities I set for myself while designing this, it is always a matter of preference and discussion, of course. It's not denying. It's not that you said "this is right ad that is worong" and I said "you're wrong". But some of your points need clarififcation, that's also not a rejection.
(And no one is ever perfect, so don't come p with that stupid point)
I really appreciate yout effort to actually point things out, but speaking of me not being perfect, I cannot read your thoughts (at least bnot all of them :P), so if I don't know what you mean by things like "minerals too close to some edge" you maybe should just explain it in detail (p.e. which particular edge you mean).
modified by Freakling
I think he means third's min only's and nat's (expos in general overall)
I thought we were talking about this: (?)

"Red and blues minerals and gas seem a bit 2 close 2 the edges (To harassable) 1 or 2 blocks should do it."
(I don't know what you mean by things like "minerals too close to some edge" )

Then say it like that.. i don't read every single comment xD and it's my personal opinion on the other hand that all the expos are too close to the walls
Freakling lets right the pro mappers a letter and tell them that we at BWMN are willing to do there job..
I don't like the idea to be required to do uninspired uglyly, badly executed maps on demand. (How much do they pay, though?) ;P
if they give money i'm in !
Little update (I'd call it playable now):

- Reduced middle expo counts to 1000/min & 2000/gas
- Everything is blended now, but still some deco missing
- added egg walls to backdoors
- added ovi cliffs to all nats
- made some screaming bright color leZerg-style image because ash's so frick'n dark.
Ima cause blue has more dots on the biohazard sign. :)

Besides that ㄱㄱ ㅅ.ㅅ
YesssS! Good pic! But IMO its just barley bright enough :P
How do yall get pics of your maps? My way sucks.
I use "scmdraft 2" "photoshop cs4" and "image resizer" for my pictures :
Why do you need an extra program to resize it?
Scmdraft has an inbuilt bitmap generator.
I use Gimp to edit and resize it.
modified by Freakling
cuz my pics get way clearer that way
ScM Draft >> BMP Picture 4000x4000
Photoshop >> Jpeg picutre/brithness/contrast and text
Image Resizer >> 767x767 without losing much quality

Edit: look at this one's picture for example
modified by LasTCursE
I have a better example

I use smcdraft2 and paint xD
Or this one [!!!]
1) 6 o'click expo should have the mineral fields facing the bottom of the map, like reverse temple and longinus.

so terran can build the same ammount of turrets and zerg mutalisks can do similar damage t each main. This wahy, 6 o'clock is reaver paradise, and it's even lurkable.

2) Nats should be turretable and lurkable. Terran can't even drop vultures!

3) Did you test the overlord spots? i think those doodads are not enough.

4) 2 o'clock player can build factories and gateways at the top-right corner. 10 o'clock can do the same at the edge of the map, between the main and the nat. 6 o'clock should be bigger or something. because gates and factoris will be tankable and the gass geyser will fuck the path of the new units.

5) remake the middle! it's not in the center of the map
1) Do you refer to the main? Maybe, plenty of maps don't do this, though. But it's worth considering, mainly to have the geyser out of the way
2) What are you refering to? Nats are pretty spacious and have a backdoor, enough space for any drop.
3) Need some testing and maybe some doodads added
4) Hopefully doing 1) will solve this problem. There's very little space that could be reallocated.
5) But it is. The slight offset upwards is what I use in all of my maps to compensate the bottom row.
Nats don't have space behind the minerals for turrets/lurkers and vultures can't move freely behind em..
You don't need turrets behind the min lines if mutas cannot move in from there. Nat formations like this are standard. Just look at pro maps (Bloody ridge, Aztec, Dantes Peak etc. etc...)
Yayyyy update!!
Don't get fixed ideas and think it is done.
>:P i never said it was done.
Sweet deco and update
I still need to do... something... about the ovi cliffs. But every thing else is done now.
Damn, looks really awesome! :D
Just noticed that hexagonal pattern you made with the terrain.
It's everywhere
modified by K_A
I officially declare this version 1.00
modified by Freakling
Waawq this map is great! However map is like a maze in the actual game. But maybe its because I dont know the map very well :)
Some minor fix and a functional (though not yet finished) obs version added.
@Sky: You just don't know it. It's pretty much only an open center and a side path with access to all the expos...
modified by Freakling
I love this map!!!
Especially that middle sign!
modified by tellur
you should look it in game or in the editor looks bad ass :
Don't you think it's pretty t>p? Very hard for protoss to attack terran.
Bugfix. For some reason there was the wrong kind of cliff at the north nat, resulting in a zergling hole...

I don't know about T>P problems, but that's possibly because TvP is the setup I understand the least...

Are there really four (3) maps in the "newest updates" section now? Must be some kind of all time record ;P
modified by Freakling
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Fixed :D
I recommend you submit this map for the BWMN Showcase Tourney
Agree with above comment ^ ^
I don't like the mineral formation of the main at 6.
why does the mains mineral formations look like expos lol
I think it's too tight, has too few paths, and too narrow chokes (no balance of tight/open). The min onlys seem pointless as a 4th gas base is just as easy to take/defend, and no one will take the min only as their 3rd (cuz the 3rd gas is just as easy to take/defend). Once terran secures their 3rd they basically get the 4th for free.
Teal terran vs blue protoss I don't see how p can stop t from tanking his 3rd from the lowground as he pushes, making expoing there inviable. Alternative 3rds are harder to defend while terran can easily take the 3rd and 4th in quick succession. Red protoss vs teal terran can defend his 3rd and flank an approaching army much easier, so that's manageable. Placing the 3rds so close to eachother made for bad rotational positional imbalance I think.

The map's execution is nice, but I think its gameplay and balance will be poor. Unless there really are no better contenders I think using this map in the tourney is a bad idea if it's not too late to replace it.
Good point. Looks like it's very easy to fix though. I only need to remove the middle expos and probably put a wider ramp there, giving more space to the low ground path.
Also make the 3 o clock and the rest like it accessable from both sides?

Add gas to the min only. Remove center expos and add the ramp like you said so that if someone is at 11 you can take a third base easier :P
I finally updated this: Better symmetry, better positional balance and overall more awesome :P

Update [Version 1.05]

- Added geyser (2000 gas) to backdoor expansion to allow terran an easier 3rd.
- Change mineral values of both backdoor and middle expos to 1248 minerals per patch (so those 6 expos are indentical in yield now).
- Edited cliffs at backdoors so workers on the low ground have vision of the mineral patches to allow them to drill through the eggs.
- Updated all resources to fit my current balance standards.
modified by Freakling
Observer Version updated.
Update with fixed ramps (and some other small changes).
Update: Version 1.07

Some more tile magic with pathfinding regions. It's actually fairly easy to develop an intuition for what works and what doesn't (and the reason Zerg are susceptible to some mining issues that don't affect the other races is non-surprisingly the smaller collision size of Hatches, which means workers have to venture into regions under the Hatchery when returning resources, which for Nexus/ CCs they don't need to...)

I also did some cleanup work, deleting duplicat sprites.

Haven't updated the obs pack yet.
modified by Freakling
You been busy eh? Good stuff Freak
I could not resist, been waiting for this for years...
Observer pack updated.
You prayed to the Starcraft Gods and your wish has been granted. How many zerglings were sacrificed to appease them?
S.I. did not demand any sacrifice... yet... But he seems to adore all kinds of animals, so I guess he won't ask for any innocent Zerglings to die.

He might have put it in just to stop me from going on about it endlessly already...
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--Modesty vs Caffine(1on1, 1.16)
--Plus vs Favian(1on1, 1.16)

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