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Last update for (2)The_Void : 2005, 12, 19 17:22
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
443 (2)The_Void 128*128flothefreak2.4final

The map has been rated 8 times and got a total of 19 points


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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

Here you are: one of my last 4 maps.
I already published it on, so don't be surprised if you know it :P

What do you think of it?
I like it, especially the middle :P
Yeah, it makes the middle more a fighting zone than before in the old version

Much more interesting than before :>
the middle is a battle zone? I just played and noone touched it, it was either the right or the left path. (actually the left all the time)

Well Tombombalin just owned me on this map ZvT, and it had nothing to do with the map. Only thing that annoyed me was doodads in main, taking away places to build (really, no good in doing this), and the odd placement of the natural at the botton position, just looks and feels bad like this.
Hokay, erasing the doodad is no problem. And I didn't say the middle is the main zone of this map. It depends on taking the minonly behind the base.

What do you mean saying odd placement?

thx 4 playing :)
Now I know what you meant with annoying doodads. Actually I thought the litte snowcircle and the grasses would be buildable doodas.

sorry for that, it is of course ridiculos putting so much unbuildable doodads into the main -.-
Had to update obs vers, sry.
updated the map

made also a general change in my obs versions, so I had to update several of my maps.

What do you think of the map?
I changed a few things, and I think I'll add this map to the mappack I'll send to entropy.
Write your thoughts, likes and dislikes about it, thx.
Looks nice. I like the middle, and the concept. Now about those cliffs at 3 and 9 o'clock, somehow they look a little out of the map, and i think that this is just a terrain that won't be used. I also notice that terran can drop tanks at at every expand, espacially the expands near the players, the min only and the gas, you gotta have on both places some drop ships/shuttles/overlords to kill the tanks. At least one of the places, you can make it not a drop zone for terran, or a reachable zone on ground, as the other expands on the map. For now it's a little terran map for me. But you can fix it.
well, the map itself is not terran-favoring imo.
the center is damn open and you can just run around the terran units, no to mention that it's nearly impossible to push on this map

in addition, the isles are not as good as others for terran, because here he can't be save with just a few turrets.

I like the sidepaths and want to keep them.
I actually think abiout changing the center...I worked A LOT to have the effect that units take the center as mainroute. As it is in that version here, they only take the left one.
On the new version on my pc, they take the left route when commanded into enemy's _mainbase_, and walk across the ice when ordered to the natural.
still, they don't use the right path at all, which sucks :<

Maybe I have to try a grass/structure-middle
True, a T can't push here, but doesn't have to also.

The whole madedges at top and bottom look like a huge mainbase somehow. Terran should have no trouble to defend main, natural and min-only. While he can easily attack enemys expansions. With that in mind, i'd go for dropships on this map. What is somehow good in my eyes, because i'm tired of pushing terrans. But as LGI said, every expansion is droppable somehow, has a cliff or something similar nearby. That way, P or Z have a hard time defending their expansions. Also
... push the button :P DUnno what i wanted to write after Also... just pushed the button ^^ gay :P
well, I changed it a bit to make it less terran dominated...
ya think it's better? it's not decorated yet, and I think it's not as beautiful as before. those minonlys just roxxed.
now there is much unused space in teh corners :<

blocking minerals have value 100 each btw
Hmmm, flo, what you did to the mineral onlies in the corners is just not good. looks stupid and i think it's the wrong way to do there. As LGI said, it`'s easy for T to defend this pos from main and can even drop units on the cliff, so, why not removing the cliff?

here is what i would do:
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As always, very rough.
As i look at the pic, you could also eliminate the building space at the top right corner of the bottom mainbase. that way, tanks would have no chance reaching the entrance of the min-only. The drop-icefield below the expansion is just for "hardcore dropper" because you'd have to fly strange to get there, and it's easy defendable.
middle reminds me of silent vortex sure you just didnt copy that :P

besides that its interesting. except the wierd maze thing top left whats up with that __
well, lis, this minonly setup would also be quite T-ish, because you can put some buildings in front and make it completely save. However, I'll see tomorrow how I want the minonlies to look like :)

thx for the interest :D
should I remove the gas at the islands? 3rd gas for terran is quite easy as it is now...

like, making the isle minonly and removing the current minonly completely?
id say remove the ramps to the ice lake. theyre not necessary and pathing will probably be anoying. Its good as it is anyway
"As always, very rough."

just an idea.
The map looks better now. And btw i really like the air expands in (3)Conifere. And flothefreak, i would reccomend to make the same air expands. With a ramp from the expand to the ice. All races will have the same chances to defend. Really guys, in a while you make great air expands. Like in the last SP's map. You are all great!
Btw, why don't you try to make this map a little X-mass theme, so you can join the tourney. You say that you can't think of a way to fix the center pathfinding, also Starparty, mae a suggestion. And i really don't like such big ramps on so small distance and terrain between them, it looks a little ugly. You mihgt try a new center, dunno...
flo you are one of the best map makers here. you should be asking bw players for advice on balance. your mapping is fine, gameplay is even fine, but if u are trying to perfect ur maps i think u need to go the next step and ask knowledgeable theorycrafters like FA.

love this map btw.
LARGE update
remade the map in big parts.

so I had to have a new name for it ;)

have to make decoration and some positional balancing (distance between sidepaths/outpost not the same etc)
however, wanna have your comments on the new version :)
The map seems better, i add a GMCS suggestion, about the expands in center. I kinda miss the ice in the center, but i think with all this dirt and grass you can bring back the charm of the older version, by adding some very little pools with water in center. The smallest size that you can make with water, they will make the same effect in patchfinding as doodads do. I think that this is just going to be a good and natural effect to the map. Overall good job.
I also thought about the expansion layout you pointed at, but I think I'll stick to the current one.

If you defend on your expansion then, you block - if well done - both "doors" in the wall, which makes some kind of bunkering.
in the current version
-when defending your expo, you're still very vulnerable- which makes game agressive imo. and, -the sidepaths get much more importance if you can attack those expos from behind them.
-also, the center expo shall NOT be 2nd natural, which they would be then. when taking the natural minonly, the game is strechted about almost the whole map, which shall add dynamic to the gameplay
-3rd gas is not so close
-it removes the focus from the middle, which is actually very large because of 2 (3rd)-gas expos and "being the center"
those are some reasons for the placement I made

I liked the ice a bit more, too. but the ramps fucked pos balancing up, so I dropped it.
the designpart is now done, also rearranged some little things
gogo comments ~~
oki ^^

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