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Last update for (4)Market Square : 2011, 08, 14 23:58
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4382 (4)Market Square 128*128BWMN community map #20.6betaground

The map has been rated 62 times and got a total of 35 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

...decoing this will be fun...
I thought the deco is already done =D
This makes me happy :)
freaky fix your download :D
:D i wanna help lol
then go ahead :)
maybe i can add something
Ima work on some basics
God as I\\\\\\\'m doing this I\\\\\\\'m wishing structure was
So heres the basic layout I made.

nexus is main
CC is nat
Hive is either minonly/third
Lair is either minonly/third
Poorly executed atm but I think the concept is strong.
Didnt upload yet.
If you guys like it enough I'll spend more time on execution.
modified by Phobic
Hmm actually seems a little linear
problem that comes with 4 player maps is that between main and nat the space gets kinda small if we do it that way and could be tanked from either one of the two sides :

i like the concept of phobic the middle especialy we might need to change the rest tho :)
modified by LasTCursE
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icarus sucks lol
How does it suck? Too boring/basic? At least it's reasobly well balanced.

It's about the basic layout and not about copying it.
ugly/basic proubably not even that well balanced considering that Red to purple has a smaller choke path which makes it better for terran while blue to purple has a huge one with alot of flanking points..
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Better example than icarus. :)
this one i like far better than icarus :
Yeah... But it's too flat and badly decorated.
It's about the basic layout and not about copying it.
How about something epic that looks like gladiator?
Phobic i think the point was to keep the middle the same :p
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the upper map is a copy of icarus and it's still better than it :>

I like freakling's bridge idea for the corners with 2 med sized ones leading to a gas expo
The upper one is Un'Goro Crater and so much older than Icarus that Icarus is a copy of Un'Goro - if anything...
Besides that... Un'Goro was just IMBA shit with a ton of awkward spots all around that never produced any decent game.
Talk more about THIS map then others plz...
what is up with the current map ratings? they all seem to be ridiculously low. I mean, this map project hasn't even started, and it has a rating lower than 2.0.
X-species learned how to vote.
But back to the map... needs shit done
modified by Phobic
my last map has a 3.0 lol it's not fair it isn't that bad :(
Some retard obviously figured out that the map rating system is far from abusive safe.

Comfort yourself with the rather trivial realization that whoever it is is just stupid enough to waste his time for something that no one cares about.
Bump this. Dont want to lose it.
all community maps are like this no ideas for like a month then finish it in 3 days
What about something like this?

Uploaded with

I know there's a lot of wasted space, and the same thing about the easy third gas >.<
But what about the idea of the bridges like destination.

modified by ArcTimes
Lol @ Lastcurse.
Bump :D
modified by ArcTimes
I don rly like the current image. Seems too constrained.
mineral lines = freaklings.. :3

why not add a ramp on the vastly unused cliffs?
Yeah, my update, I guess this will become just another Freakling map after all :P
I was considering moving the mineral only close to the Nat and adding another wide ramp to the middle where the eypo is now... Puting a wide ramp right next to the narrow one would obviously defeat the purpose... Maybe adding another narrow ramp next to the minonly would work, too. Right now I am a bit unhappy with the main ramps... But I haven\'t founda better solution so far.

What's so typical about my mineral lines?
modified by Freakling
There are no holes in them :)
And they dont allow zerg creep behind the mineral lines. :O
You mean in the mains?
Jes ^_^
LasTCursE anyone ? lol

ArcTimes's idea is cool just need some adjustments cuz it makes 3 basing too easy
modified by LasTCursE
It's not really shades of twilight... You only think that because it's the same tileset... And has this narrow ramp from nat to middle :(

Also your picture is some early version of Shades, the actually played one had minolies on the lowground against the cliffs instead of the high ground 3rds.
it's exactly the same lolz only difference is that the starting points are a bit rotated and there is a bridge to the 4th lol
BY the same logic it's "identical" to (3)Aztec or (4)Byzantium...
No aztec differes alot from this map altho byzantium is almost the same
modified by LasTCursE
"ArcTimes's idea is cool just need some adjustments cuz it makes 3 basing too easy "

I think more people saw my image but no one did care. :(
The current concept makes the middle pretty small.

You already have the mains in the middle of the edges of the map, which already squishes the middle, while there is highground in front of the mains, which squishes the middle even more.

I think the nat to nat distances between adjacent players is pretty long in the lategame, as well. The small ramps do not allow large army movements, obviously, so the nat to nat distance with large armies will have to be very indirect through the larger ramps.

Just giving you guys some thoughts. I have some suggestions for this, mostly stealing the idea from (4)Zodiac, then using larger ramps to give more comfortable pathing.

I'll try and see if I can articulate this idea more clearly and thoroughly soon, but it's late where I live :P
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@Jungle: Yes, this concept needs additional wide ramps to the center to open it up and make it more accessible for bif blob armies... I agree on that.

@Last: Copying Losing Temperature with Roadrunner middle is of course way better. Duh!

The point is that the real challenge of a middle-of-the ege main concepts is to keep the middle as wide and open as possible, roadrunner-style is obviously basolutely detrimental to that notion.

By the way, no one stops you working on any concept you like, that's the whole point of these community maps. I think no one will complain about "oh no, not another badlands map"...

What's you opinion(s) on the main ramps? Are they OK? Just plain awkward? Any way to place them better?
i don't like the shades idea as a whole.. terrans will just siege the crap out of the cliff and lock half the middle..
making you author of what's supose to be a community map is kinda selfish don't you think shrek ? :>
You can work on any version of this that you like, Last.
Wasn't the whole point of this to make TEAM maps ?
Yes. But this is hardly a team map in its current state. I am pretty sure we can make a nice team map out of Phobics suggestion, though.

I have yet to see any contribution of you to any of these community maps.
I wasn't trying to copy losing temp. I was following your first idea. Mains in middle and exp in corner. What i wanted to show wans't the main nat set up, but the middle. But if you think is similar to roadrunner, and you don't like the idea, i think it's ok u.u
modified by ArcTimes
It's not that I don't like the idea. The point is that a middle like Roadrunner's is pretty obstructive and having the mains in those positions also obstructs the middle. Ther result, as you can see in your picture, is that the map basically becomes devided into two separated halves with only a narrow connection in between.
It works better in Roadrunner because there are alternative routes through the 3rd gas expos, but it cannot really work in a layout like this.
It's hardly a community map cuz you don't listen to others ideas you only do the stuff you think is good..

here's my contribution for now..
PP: you need to click on the picture to see the new one..
Melee version updated..
Author name made as it is supposed to be..
modified by LasTCursE
Well, yeah, that was the idea, to make a clear division between 2 bases, it doesn't matter what bases, what i mean is that i wanted to make something like desetination, dividing the map in 2 with 2 mains on each side making the paths like an + or a X. I don't know if it's clear, but that's what i wanted to do :D.
And that was just an idea. I make that on 5 minutes, and if you can see there were parts that i didn't finish. I didn't try to make something to use first, that's the reason i didn't upload it.
Maybe i can put my idea on a 2x2 map :D!!
Take a closer look at Destination and you'll realize that it makes pretty good use of the whole width of the map, providing players with multiple paths to get from one helf of the map to the other, there are different paths across the bridges in the middle and additional routes through the neutral hill gas eypos on the sides.
humm.. this looks 2 much like a clone map.. :(
Oh and the symmetry is not spot on and.. lol freakling Im not sure if green was the best choice (: its hard to reed in the comments and bad 4 the eyes ^^
Forge FE should be checked carefully..
12 and 6 minerals should face the edges, at least 6..
some min onlies are less harrable from below....

And green is definity not the best choice..
I am not sure what exactly you mean by "symmetry is not spot on" but it must be something of the random stuff LasTCursE threw in there...
YOU made the concept but i'm the one that made it unsymetrical? lol fu SHREK
modified by LasTCursE
Had to rename it, the side does not accept two maps with identical names :\

The Name was inspired by Phobic's idea. Maybe we can work on that one.
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and you could call it YOUR new map when it\'s ready ? :D
modified by LasTCursE
*roll eyes* I'll call it LasTCursE and put you as the author. Twice.
I uploaded it as the observer version.

modified by Phobic
I think i'll work on this version cuz i like it better :
Maybe like this (with ramps from both pathes to the 3rds)? (->melee version)
modified by Freakling
Yea, with maybe a blue storm choke in the structure.
I don't like the idea of blue storm chokes applied on 4 player maps. I mean, in 2 player maps, it already creates a pathing problem for larger units, in a four player map it will screw pathing up.
Yeah. Here's the point:
Blue storm chokes woult only come into play in close position matchups and would thus just amplify the discrpancy in rush distances between close and cross position play.

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