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Last update for (2)Aeolus : 2012, 01, 20 01:25
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4468 (2)Aeolus 128*96K_A2.4betaground

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Here's my map for the competition.
As you can see there is a second ramp in the main that leads to the back of the natural's minerals.
It can be used interestingly for scouting, dropship harrass, etc.
The minerals at the natural and the mineral only are set to 1000.
modified by K_A
2nd ramp behind doesnt really make it unique. :3
i like the tiles. :D

btw for the temple on highground you wanna make sure ovies can still be there.
modified by CrystalDrag
There I fixed it with some sprites.
I don't know what you mean about ovies.
They can sit safely on the cliffs if that's what you were asking...
That terrain looks really blocky around the edges.

After you have destroyed the psi disruptor this pretty much turns into a normal main-nat configurations, but woth awkward pathfinding errors added to it. The short time span before that is probably enough to screw up Zerg thogh. If Zerg goes 9-pool he forfeits a lot of eco and still fails to put the pressure that 9-pool is expected to provide on his oponent because it's hard to rush and you may need those lings to destroy the neutral.
If Zerg goes 12-FE any proxy rax/gate is prone to destroy it... Basically it boils down to how well you are able to push lings over the nat formation and that's a little bit too luck based considering the critical ling timings against early agression such as Zealot rally rush or bunker rush.
It was supposed to be a free expansion because people wouldn't be able to attack you right away, but obviously you can proxy, and zerg hatch takes longer to build than everything else.
Only fix I can imagine is some kind of neutral creep colony at the nat choke. It should not block the expo, but if it also hampers fast wallins for terran/toss that could offset Zerg's need to invest into early sunkens. I'd try and put a colony each in front of the nat chokes so the creep reaches just to the nat choke where you can sunken up, but allowing a single rax/gate to be build at the choke and the creep to disappear from the choke quickly once you kill the colony. That would basically make proxy rax/gate expand/12 hatch with one or two early sunkens instead of lings the dominant startegies...
I would also see to it that the middle expos aren't as vulnerable to tanks on the central hill path as they are now.

Did you use high temple or temple terrain for that clutter?
Lol--- "Startegies" is actually a very neat typo... I'll use this whenever refering to early game strategies from now on ;P
It's high temple so it blocks vision so you can't tank the middle expansions as easily, but they're still tankable.
Can you interchange the posiions of the two main ramps or move the SLs to the corners to avoid pathing issues once the disruptors are destroyed?
They ramp with the building is shorter distance for most of the main which is where people will probably have production buildings. I tried every position and the spot where I put it is best for gas-mineral formations.
I'm working on another map that I'm entering over this one. It's got a similar nat main concept but is better executed imo

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