| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (8)Shiva : 2013, 02, 21 16:56
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4597 | (8)Shiva | other | Augustrad | 2.3 | final | ground | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Augustrad | | | need help. What password do I use to edit the map to add a picture? | JungleTerrain | | | You make your own password when you first upload the map.
If you forgot to put a password, you might be able to edit the map by not putting a password and simply typing in the Map ID (not sure about this).
If this fails, then ask the people with Admin powers (Crystaldrag and Freakling, I think) to help you with editing this, or deleting the map so you can reupload it with a password (don't forget it!)
I use the same password for all my maps :) | JungleTerrain | | | Ok, so I tried it, and you don't have a password for this map (idk about the other one)
Just click on "EDIT MAP" on the left side
Then copy/paste the MAP ID (shown up next to the map 's name), don't put anything for the password.
Be sure to select a tileset, and reupload the Map image and Map file...
for Map image, there's tutorials in the ARTICLES page on the right side
This is what I do for a MAP IMAGE:
Use SCMDraft2, go to FILE>>>SAVE IMAGE
it saves it as a bitmap file.
I use PHOTOSCAPE (free picture editor) to edit/resize it, and most importantly:
Change the map file to JPG file. | Augustrad | | | got it! thanks
| JungleTerrain | | | make sure to fix the tileset. Just click on EDIT MAP and make sure everything is right, reupload everything, and select the Tileset and every other field.
it takes like 2 times to fix it. | NegativeZero | | | Looks like this would make for some epic FFAs, even though they'd take forever to finish. I'm not too concerned about balance since the map is obviously just meant for casual games, but the biggest problem (with both of your maps, actually), is that everything is too tight. Try to leave some wide open spaces in the middle and in between players' bases for big ground battles to occur. | Augustrad | | | Epic FFA's, oh yea. There have been a few on this map already. I will try to upload a replay or two. | Augustrad | | | So tried to upload an epic FFA on this map. But the game lasted long enough that it is too big to upload :) | JungleTerrain | | | Yeah maps like this are pretty fun and are not played in a very competitive manner, but you should definitely take some time to learn about the gas issue and different things about mapping to make your maps even better.
Take a look at some ARTICLES on the right hand side
Feed your curious soul. | Augustrad | | | Articles shall be read as free time allows.
in the mean time I did a small update with widening some passages here and there to allow easier movement. And as usual, my maps are always subject to change as people play them and give feedback. |
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