| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)yet again : 2022, 06, 19 13:24
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4717 | (4)yet again | 128*128 | NegativeZero | 0.4 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 36 times and got a total of 15 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
NegativeZero | | | Fourth time's the charm maybe?
For the lulz, here's the first BW port of Tal'Darim Altar I attempted, back when I was still a complete mapmaking noob.
Edit: I like the angles of the 3/9 bridges since they face toward the back ramps, allowing for runbys and stuff, but not so much the 12/6 ones. I plan to try to modify 12/6 to more closely match 3/9, although this will probably involve removing the bridges since the edges are fixed at 30 degrees. Might have to bring the original ramps back since they're the only real 45/60 degree terrain available, although I originally wanted to try to avoid ramps in those positions to prevent T from establishing a defensive position so close to the spot where they can siege the natural. modified by NegativeZero | Freakling | | | I think the problems are still that the nat is too exposed to tanks on the low ground and that it is too easy to hold 4 bases.
My suggestion is still the same as with your earlier ports: Shift all the expos except the mains around clockwise. | crystaldrag | | | My suggestion is to make better concepts. :) | traceurling | | | I like the idea of having the natural diagonal, don't think any other map has done it before so Im a fan of the Tal'Darim Altar layout, but the problem is just it forces the center to be so weirdly and easy to defend bases | benno1988 | | | nice |
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