| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Low Orbit Array : 2016, 06, 26 07:01
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4755 | (2)Low Orbit Array | 128*128 | Excalibur | 2.3 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Chef | | | If peons are mining at that double wall of minerals, will they start trying to take a long path to minerals on the other side / generally glitching out once the minerals become sufficiently saturated?
It's an interesting enough map. Lots of droppable and buildable cliffs over the naturals used to be considered very Terran favoured, but that's a style Terran haven't played in so long this could still be fun. It's worth saying that giving a cliff that attacks two expos at the same time is pretty nasty, though I guess if you're taking the island you have a shuttle to put some units up there. | Chef | | | Also, since a third and forth gas are hard enough to get for Zerg, you probably can't let terran get the island without a dropship (no mineral block). And I think a tank can hit the main gas on blues side.
I like a map with four islands though. Maybe you can work that concept into a future map as well. | outscar | | | Peons? lol. | CrystalDrag | | | Problem with this map is that it is very boring middle, and that is the only way by ground. | CardinalAllin | | | I agree with Chef, 4 islands will be fun.
Hmm, my money would probably be on Excalibur.
I dont think the middle is too boring. | Chef | | | @outscar it used to be pretty easy to assume most people who play BW have played WCII, so I use WCII terms when I don't want to specify race. I guess these days there may be people who never played WCII, so maybe it's an antiquated convention. modified by Chef | Excalibur | | | How in the hell did you know? D: | CardinalAllin | | | Sneaky sneaky | CrystalDrag | | | The base shape of your mains are very similar. |
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