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Last update for (2)Camelot_1.3 : 2017, 04, 15 00:55
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4792 (2)Camelot_1.3 otherLatiAs0.4finalground

The map has been rated 53 times and got a total of 22 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Nice map LatiAs
Wow, fantastic, I love it. You are becoming a very solid map maker (specially on most of your 3 player maps.)
becoming? hehe I would say he clearly IS excellent. Demian proved that straight away.

I expect he didnt just make this. Most of his maps he made in the recent past, and is now posting them on this site. Which Im very happy to see, especially since intothemap shutdown.

I reckon it would play in a way not to my liking but its executed nicely.
Only small concern I have would be that rushing distance is short (for a two spawn map, anyway), it is not immediately clear which one actually is the shortest path and that all the paths are basically wide and close together, making this almost an open-middle design, which I find rather besides the point of (2) maps.
But the high-low-ground contrast still offers much in terms of positional play, I guess.
Wow, I really like it. New SSL 12 maps are coming!!!
If OGN won't be that troublesome persistent by using old post Kespa maps we gonna see new stuff.
Good eye Freakling the rush distance will most certainly be a problem, that nat 2 nat looks much 2 close. A T timing push will be an ez GG.

outscar, when those maps do come share a link plz?
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
No, I didn't state that I know which maps will made their way into SSL12, but I know that LatiAs is a candidate mapmaker whose maps have high chance to be selected. As Latias stated, Sonic was going to use this map (and his maps "Silvery Waves", "Demian(before KSL)" too).
However, OGN didn't like to use new maps as far as he knows. So, I wish OGN will take a look into these maps by help of Sonic.
modified by outscar

I hate these \slash things appear when I need to edit my post.
modified by outscar
New ASL map. Congratulations. I knew this one had potential ;D
Hopefully we also see more of Silvery Waves in the future.
modified by Freakling
Im happy that LatiAs is getting his maps played, they are all very nice and good quality.

Have we checked if the ramps are debugged yet?
I suggested he use CHKDraft a while ago, when he made his own Overwatch map, so no ground for concerns there. Resources on Demian 2.00/2.01 were also bug-free, so that is another thing I do not worry about.

The inverted Low Platform ramps could be a bit less blocky, though. Just for caomparison:

There is not perfect solution for this though...
Supposedly 1.5 is out? Not sure if this is true
Just watched ASL and noticed that v1.6 has changed low ground ramps, which unfortunately have some terrain level bugs.
Didn't pay attention when I watched ASL day 1. Why did they change them? Were they looking for a better blend? I understand the blockiness isn't THAT sexy.
I almost fear LatiAs partially copied my old ramps from Unicorns above without testing them in CHKDraft :(.
I'm actually curious. If your map is selected for the ASL and they need to make modifications, do they take it to the original creator and ask them to modify? What if the person is difficult to reach, for example, what if a foreign map maker wins (i don't know how likely that is), communication would be difficult/slow. Or even this case, LatiAs being in the military (i have no idea how easy/hard communication is in that situation).

I would think that if the person that won the tourney cannot be reached quickly, they would probably get somebody like Rose.of.Dream to mess around with it or something.
JungleTerrain // Latias in millitary. Yes. But he can modify. Um.. Not all soldier in the army in Korea.
What is the CHKDraft?
Oh okay. I have no idea how Korean military even works lol...

CHKDraft is a map editor like SCMDraft. It was meant to replace SCMDraft but it is not finished. However, it currently has a very useful feature in that it shows terrain levels, which SCMDraft cannot do.

Using CHKDraft, you can see elevations, and you can properly debug ramps and elevation bugs in your maps.
modified by JungleTerrain
CHKDraft is a map editor in the making which comes with an option to display terrain levels directly (it is the only useful functionality so far, though).
Are they still continuing with development for it?
Not sure. Could also be that parts of it get integrated into SCMDraft.

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