| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Path of Light1.2 : 2005, 10, 07 11:39
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 482 | (4)Path of Light1.2 | 128*128 | Travin | 2.5 | final | | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
panschk | | | Looks nice. I like the low amount of expansions, it's a change to Starparty-like rich maps. And good to see a 4-player map again, I'm gettin' tired of all those 2 player maps^^ | flothefreak | | | Looks nice, but check that a "blue T vs red P" and "teal T vs purple P" is in so far balanced, that a tank can't shoot on the natural of the protoss player from behind the cliff, for this is very close distant and it would be nearly impossible to prevent this.
I don't like bases with cliff-walls beside water because tankdropping there can be very annoying.
I would also open the middle a bit more, for it is favoring terran quite a lot imho.
Again too less expos for a 2on2 map in my eyes, but this is personal and up to you. | panschk | | | lol, I think flothefreak and me will never agree on tvp balance on any map^^ It's just that I feel TvP is so hard for the terran anyway, he needs some terrain-features to help him. That may be different on pro-gamers level, but on the level I play on it's true imo. Well I just don't feel a big TvP problem here, maybe I change my mind when I win some TvPs again^_^;
And 2on2 can actually work, everyone has his rich main and his natural, there are two neutral bases to fight for, that should be well playable to. | flothefreak | | | Well, I don't agree on many people saying P>T in general. So my opinion might differ from many others because I consider terran pushes quite strong. It's maybe just I got problems in large terran pushes :[ |
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