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Last update for (8)MirageOasis : 2018, 01, 20 02:59
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4866 (8)MirageOasis otherRickv0.5betahybrid

The map has been rated 55 times and got a total of 25 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

A once life thriving Oasis..
Now dying and decaying thanks to
the wars... are you able to thrieve
on it?...that's only for you to decide.

Modifications done (19/01/2018):
-Remade starting points so it's an 8 player map now.
-Hybrid type of map.
-NHFFA MAP or can be played with pcs too.
-Third version of the map.. or was it 4th... can't remember, hope you guys enjoy it.
-Siege range taken into account.
-pathing of units taken into account.
-256*128 size map.

modified by Rickv100491
I like this one most because I see some improvements especially with symmetry. Keep going! Gonna be fun against AI.
Also a tip: you should make middle more open so army can clash without getting stuck. Look all modern maps, they got big empty middle area to fight.

modified by Rickv100491
The picture really makes it look like a sc2 map

modified by Rickv100491
Probably because you stretch a rectangular image out into a square shape...
Please get some decent image editing software, your pictures are just really bad and hardly intelligible...
modified by Freakling

modified by Rickv100491

modified by Rickv100491
And Here it is... As I promised.. working on the map.. and finished 1 out of 11.. so this is my 4 out of 11 meaning I have 7 to go...

About the Map.. Modifications done:
-Erase old Mains Naturals and so..
-Resources well placed.
-Mains and Naturals are basically 1 big main and there's no other expansion forcing players to fight for supremacy for the only expansions in the map.
Any bugs or fixes please do point them out, too bad I can't delete old posts so yeah.......
modified by Rickv100491
So what type of map is this supposed to be? FFA? Team play (2v2 or 3v3)? 1v1?

It's important to know what your intentions are or else any criticism given might not even apply.
To be honest, I like square maps.
Well, you asked for feedback:
Basic proportions are way off: You don't so much have a main as you have a general giant areas where there is an SL somwhere inside... Looks more like a C&C map in that regard.
You should also use proper clutter terrain for most walls. Not that it matters here with the huge "mains", but usually you do not want tanks to be able to be dropped on cliffs everywhere.
Well it is supposed to be a FFA map... but which can also be played 3v3 2v2 heck even 1v1. any type.... @JungleTerrain...
@enjoymaps me too... but well sometimes one must always get out of the comfort zone.... so this here was and is my try.
@Freakling... you mean I need to make the mains a little or more like reduce them ?? mmmm I'll see around it (SL? sorry dunno what that means been honest C&C?) and yes that's why I made the huge mains.. so no tanks or drops are problems... although I admit they are a little big..
I personally don't have much experience with FFA maps, and balance discussions are mostly centered around 1v1 maps, and 2v2 sometimes (team play becomes a bigger factor in winning here).

Agree with Freak though, the mains aren't "a little big", they are HUGE. There aren't any expos to fight over except the middle ones (which nobody will take) in a scenario when there are 6 players on the map. The small choke at the entrance and the island bases make it difficult to attack anybody so it might get turtly.

Also agree with Freaks point on the clutter terrain around the mains.

In general the use of space isn't good, the map isn't very interesting as it's just 6 bases and a middle battlefield. Probably the only interesting thing is that 2 bases are islands out of the 6.

Why make this map rectangular? Why not square? IMO might be better

C&C = Command and Conquer, another RTS game.
SL = Starting Location
Interesting... gonna apply more changes to it then no worries Modifications done are in the first post.. to not use more posts or double post unnecessarily.
modified by Rickv100491
What you think of it now?? I had to double post e.e
Modifications done (19/01/2018):
-Remade starting points so it's an 8 player map now.
-Hybrid type of map.
-NHFFA MAP or can be played with pcs too.
-Third version of the map.. or was it 4th... can't remember, hope you guys enjoy it.
-Siege range taken into account.
-pathing of units taken into account.
-256*128 size map.
modified by Rickv100491

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