| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2) Front Line 0.2 : 2017, 09, 12 18:47
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4964 | (2) Front Line 0.2 | 128*128 | CIGC)Darkstar | 2.5 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
darkstar | | | Hi guys, this is my first try at a melee map in BW/SCR. Please be constructive around here as it's also the first time i attempted custom ramps.
This is still Work in Progress obviously, before i go to decorating the map i wanted to have the expansions and problems solved. | FlametitanRose | | | As this is your first SCR map, the first issue is fairly easy to make, but is *huge*. Gas does not mine evenly depending on position. In the mains, ALWAYS put gas directly above the start location, never below.
Also, turn on things like terrain height and pathfinding regions, they help a lot when fidning bugs, if there are any. | Freakling | | | Did you copy the ramps from some old Kespa map? They are full of terrain level bugs.
Use these instead. | darkstar | | | @FlametitanRose
Thank you. I edited the gas positions in the main bases.
I copied them from one of the ramp maps on this site. Also i slightly improvised to have longer ones. I'm not experienced at this but i know of the terrain level bugs as i have seen you mentioning them on many maps. I know they are an issue, but ultimately i'd try to get the concept working before fixing all the bugs. It only makes sense if the map is decent anyways. | Freakling | | | Conceptually, the map seems too big. 128² is really a lot for a 2 player map. The huge wasted water spaces in the top left and bottom right corners are basically what you have too much in terms of space.
On the other hand, the main and the two naturals seem very squeezed in, resulting in a overly safe backdoor nat (similar to Crossing Field). I would move it out of the corner and add muta cliffs or even dropable cliffs around it to create some harassment potential. Be careful though. Tank spacing (12 tiles range) is the measure by which a melee map needs to be consciously designed. Right now tanks can hunker down in the tight area behind the natural and siege both natural expansions at once.
Another problem is that the map centre is basically just wide open and linear. A 2 player map should generally offer a player multiple pathways to move and disconnected areas to fight over. modified by Freakling |
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