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Last update for (2)Planet Claire 0.1 : 2017, 10, 25 00:59
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4998 (2)Planet Claire 0.1 128*96CIGC)Darkstar2.2betaground

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Here's a new one for you map-thirsty folks! This map features Katrina-like main bases, strategic ridges and a circled center layout.

Raw beta stage!
i stated some concerns on the melee map thread on TL im too lazy to put it here too lol

actually ill just lazily paste it here:

"Nope you are correct. Gas on bottom is almost always suboptimal. One can make the argument that since both gases are bad then it is balanced, but the downside is that some players don't know this and still place 3 workers instead of 4 and they don't understand why it feels like their build doesn't have enough gas, or if you need an extra worker on gas then that means 1 less on minerals in the early game and these things can throw some people off their game since they are used to normal timings on optimal gas placements.

I think a bigger issue is that the starting location is tankable from the low ground and some wallins might be easier or harder depending on where you spawn.

Seems pretty easy to hold your third as a terran though."
modified by JungleTerrain
Looks pretty good. I like the middle. However, gas issue should be fixed on mains. Also third gas feels weird since it's so far away from everything, the space is big and the ramp is big too. I would like to see it shaped a bit better or maybe add another path to it (see GMCS). Also as JungleTerrain pointed out, mains need some adjusting.
Pretty sure you cannot wall-in tightly with those generators. They have infamously asymmetrical collision boxes.

Giving the mains fast geysers would work best if the whole map were mirrored vertically. I don't think its really necessary, though.
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