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Last update for (2)Phaethon 1.0.3 : 2018, 08, 22 02:24
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
5066 (2)Phaethon 1.0.3 96*128BobaLife2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Edit it and set the tileset to desert it should show up again
Very simplistic, but for a first trial that's alright.
For now you should focus on the very basics: There is no reason why the mains and side expansions should not touch the edges of the map. It's not that you'd generate any usable airspace or something like that with those little holes everywhere, all it does is make building placement awkward and inefficient.
Your mains are also too small. Think about Terran, who want to fit a dozen Factories and most of their Supply Depots (about 20, up to 22) in there.
Your nat is hard do defend as Zerg or as Protoss vs. Zerg or vs. Terran in general due to all the space, the rather open choke and all the angles in which Tanks can reach inside across the cliff.
Learning about symmetry compensation right now will go a long way.

Unfortunately, at least for now, these new ramps will not help you out very much. It may seem easy to just paste them in and be done with it, but you'll have to learn manual blending eventually anyway, and most of these ramps need a lot of manual editing to fix them up to something that actually works and makes sense gameplay-wise, as they have all kinds of nonsensical tile flags. You can check those with the tile and microtile overlays in ScmDraft. Pay special attention to the "height" flags (indicating terrain levels) and compare them to normal cliffs. You'll realize that medium/high ground flags are not set properly for lots of the cliff tiles of the new ramps. Furthermore that unfortunately recycled the same templates again and again for all the new ramps. so for a lot of them the walkability properties do fit very badly how they appear graphically (there are "cliffs" units can just walk over and "open ground" that blocks movement).
If you want something pre-fabricated that actually works as intended you are better of using my ramp palette for now.

But for now focus on the very basic skills – layout planning, balance consideration, getting proportions right. Stuff like that.
Here are the changes that I made for the map so far. I'm still looking into the ramp stuff so I decided not to mess with the ramps just yet so I can work on the overall map layout.

Thank you for the critique and suggestions.

-Enlarged Main bases to allow for more building space.
-Enlarged Natural bases a bit.
- Shortened and shrunk choke points for the naturals to allow easier wall offs.
-Tweaked choke points for 11 and 5 o'clock bases.
-Moved Geyser at the bottom main base to the top to allow the Geyser to be seen when camera is centered on start location.
_Moved minerals around at the 3, and 9 o'clock bases to allow for easier base placement.
-Some cosmetic changes at the natural bases.
Can you also update the picture please?

The real reason why main geysers are always placed over or to the left of SLs is that those positions are the only ones that mine at full capacity with only 3 workers. Position directly below or the the right miss out on, depending on the race (and some other details), 20 to 35 gas per minute. More diagonal locations are even worse for the most part, a deficit of 50…60 gas/minute can easily happen.
modified by Freakling
Picture should be updated. Don't know why it didn't work before. It is a lot of subtle changes though I haven't fully gone through with a fine comb into the terrain symmetry for the map yet.

1.0.2 changes
-Moved the Gas Geysers to be on the left or top of start locations, and fixed Critters.
-Observer map updated to 1.0.2

modified by BobaLife
modified by BobaLife
You don't need to put all the geysers left/on top. And when I say "on top" is fastest I mean right on top, not shifted to the side.

But let's talk about the naturals. You should completely redesign those. It looks impossible for Zerg to cover the choke, the expansion itself and the ramp with any reasonable amount of Sunkens and Simcity. It should be possible to build Sunkens on the Creep of the Hatch that defend the choke and don't allow units to just run by into the main. you natural is just too spacious and the choke too awkwardly placed and shaped for that.

1.0.3 changes
-Worked on the natural to be more friendly for sim city for Zerg and other races.

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