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Last update for (3)Spathic : 2008, 06, 11 18:20
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
596 (3)Spathic 128*128AiurZ2.5final

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Well, it is balanced positionally, but not in general :o see what i mean?
but perhaps it doesnt matter
generally the reason i would post a map here under user-beta is to garner comments in which to use as a guide to further the balance of my map.

but thank you for giving the time to comment that my map is indeed unbalanced.
I actually think balance should work quite good here, on first glance.
Well imo you failed in doing a "symmetrical" 3 player map, which is hard of course, but it has been done a couple of times already.

Besides that, I don't see any big race balacing problems, it looks like a very classic maps overall.
Well generally the reason i come to bwm is to manage the database, create competitions and monitor the forums. Sorry for posting in your particular thread.
"Well generally the reason i come to bwm is to manage the database, create competitions and monitor the forums. Sorry for posting in your particular thread."

Your first post is along the same lines as when XuuL was posting here saying "shitty map". He (and you) are certainly entitled to your own opinion, and such antagonistic attitudes are very welcome, especially in a forum of discussion such as this because more critical people will generally spurn more critique which will help the creator of the map, but to make a comment like "shitty map" or "unbalanced" contributes absolutely nothing which was the reason for my biting retort.

the dentist
red seems to have a defensive advantage but less building space. people usually won't play that.

other than that, i like it.
positional balance anyone?
the dentist
thanks for the detailed response. i'm sure now he'll know what to fix.
don't pretend it would be too hard to see that for example, the bottom left corner-expo is screwing the map concerning pos. balance.
don't act like i'd only keep little secrets and never tell anyone. it's just so visible and striking, everyone can see.
the dentist
if it's so easy then fucking SAY SOMETHING USEFUL instead of spamming your hate speech, ASSHOLE.
hi dentist. how are you?
red s expand is to far

--WeAreScientists vs Binky1842(1on1, 1.13)

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