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Last update for (2)Station 510 II : 2006, 08, 02 02:35
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
670 (2)Station 510 II 128*128Diminate0.3final

The map has been rated 65 times and got a total of 19 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Hello again!

I present one of my recent maps here.

The original version of this map was used in the 1st online league of my clan. Most of the game was TvP, and unfortunately there was no ZvP games. Since, this version has many changes so replays in the original map might not relevant, but I'll upload it just for give you some idea what's going on here.

Anyway, the map is basically made for large force fighting. And for the sake of design and some control requirement, I put a lot of bridge. If you gives simple attack command to your forces, they wonder or divided by the bridge. So you need very skillful control. It seems the bridges gives advantage to T, but since there is a wide center, it seems does not matter.

The air distance between the expansions are close, but the ground distance is quite far. This means that air forces like Carrier can be really useful in this map.

I think there is a sufficient amount of resources for large force fighting. And many of the members agree that game on this map was fun.

its a nice one ;)

i would even like it more if its a 96 x 128 map, cause there is so much plenty space ^^

anyways... GJ
Nice map:)

Balanced gas should really be used on this one (move lower mainbase gas to the left of main building)

Also I would prefer if you could build addon at the right island.
This map looks very good. Well balanced. A lot of gas, but it's not easy to get, so everything is good. I don't have any suggestions. Good job.
yeah, looks _really_ awesome
great design and well executed

but I don't know if it's disfavoring T too much...
no cliffs, very few drop possibilities, and a VERY open center with much unbuildable space
I don't know how those TvP matches worked, but I really can't see how to pressure as terran. I think he would have to take the "natural isle" and the expansion in front of it to gain anything on that map.
but well, maybe the replays/games have shown and proven me wrong, dunno. It's just what I would think of when seeing this map.

it's still a good work =)
Looks good.

The mainbases are huge what may be needed after you can't build anywhere else. The expansions are glued to the mapedge wich is definetely not my taste. Also i miss tactical possibilities, cuz there are almost none (except the bridge center concept).

I like it, and it i definitely made for large battles, and it's not my type of map. Still well executed (except the things panschk mentioned already)
I watched replay of pc bang vs havefun. zerg player was pretty good;) But the map I saw was quite different from this one. Don't know which version is never, but I honestly prefer the version I see here.
Gas blocks don't really work because: Terran can use them _always_, zerg sometimes (to the right) and toss never. That's not fair :x
Also the choke is just much too far away from main in the version I saw in the replay. Which one is the never?
Thanks for the comments.

I moved the gas, and gave some space for addon.

The replays were played on the original version of this map. They are the replays from online league of my clan. I uploaded just to show what type of game is going on in this map. And this is the modified version.

I just watched
damn, 300 apm site browsing no good :[
I just watched Has.PC-Bang vs Has.SumaEO. lol pretty impressive comeback by sumaeo :]
If Terran makes a comsat on the 6nat, they can't move anything out without going all the way through their mineral line. Pleeeeeeeeeease update.
I fear that the bridges will disrupt flow of units into the middle. Idk though.
My clan is preparing another its own starc league.
And Station 510 II is selected as one of league official maps(the others are Rush Hour 3, Luna the Final, and Daylight, one made by a member.)

During the testing period, I found that this map is not perfectly symmetric. So I fixed it once again. And also I changed the position of the entrance of 5 o' clock base.

Lots of replays will be uploaded in next few weeks. So keep watching! :)

that Pc>bang guy is really stupid. he sucks cuz he thinks hes got it won but he gets owned. why didnt he just get ultras? serves him right. and he plays like a retard too, makin' queens and shit.

lol. that was pretty good comeback but not really for the reason that pcbang is a moron
2006 / 7 / 28

Uploaded two replays for this map.

Loved this map since the first time I saw it, and I've used it in a showmatch.

But seriously, this is in my top5 on this entire site :).

--has.poiulkjh vs Has.SumaEO(1on1, 1.13)
--Has.Haetal vs Has.SumaEO(1on1, 1.13)
--Has.PC-Bang vs Has.SumaEO(1on1, 1.13)
--Has.PC-Bang vs Has.HaveFun(1on1, 1.13)
--oG)Duke vs ToT)iNcontroL((1on1, 1.13)
--Has.Matsu vs Has.Manner(1on1, 1.13)
--Has.Da_go vs Has.Sky(1on1, 1.13)
--Has.Gone vs Has.4Leaf(1on1, 1.13)
--Has.Angeln vs Has.Gone(1on1, 1.13)

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