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Last update for (4)Space Lotus 1.1 : 2007, 09, 03 00:20
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
755 (4)Space Lotus 1.1 128*128Starparty2.3final

The map has been rated 78 times and got a total of 181 points


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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

Finally i make a map with low platform that im remotely sattisfyed with.. :P

My biggest concern are that all expoes are cliffable in some way, but then again there is alot of space on the "islands" so it is impossible to siege them effectivelly.

no deco doodads
TvT with close positions should be very very boring but also finished very fast.
I thought of it as close pos on gaia
i also wanted new strategies like lift rax on the cliff and build rines to hit expo on the other connected position if u know what i mean
good map I think. I'm not really a fan of your new back-to-basic style, but you execute it well.
Looks very good. I like the air expands most. As you alaready said, about the defending on them. Like you fix the issue on air expand. I really like the map. I also like very much, that the min onlys are not "this one is for teal, this one is for red". People can chose wich min only to get, it's the same distance at both locations. Good job, Starparty!
added a bit of decoration
Dont forget me here, i think this map is great fun
I have concers about T on this map. The huge mega cliff covers the own expansion/entrance, and kills 2 of the enemies, if you start on the "upper left" or "lower right" half. Especially in 2on2 TTvs?? it might be a pain in the ass, after 2 expansions are cliffable from one enemy without trouble.

Still, i like the map. It has it's problems, but that may be more mindfuck that real gameplay issues. Still i say this map favours T a lot, and the more T, the harder it is for the other races imo.

Replays would be great. SP, lets play 1on1 on this map asap, want to try it. Looks very interesting.

I think it's not that "basic" this time. Especially the startpositions and the mega cliff is hard stuff.
Very good map imo. Im playing it with a few heads. Much like gaia, very ehehheheehhe. Great job.
yEah.. Gaia meets LT in space.. kinda :)
/agree with listoric

i like this kind of map layout. it's a modern homage to LT, basically accepting that in bw u never have 4 identical bases, but u can make A+B/C+D setups. look at a symmetrical map like nostalgia. it's STILL like this, just uglier. side vs side is diff than top vs bottom, always. so using the diagnal symmetry (roughtly LT) is more beautiful. the alternate way is to do a spiral setup (gaema, luna, requiem i think) which people assume is symmetrical for some reason, but it's really not, it's always A>B>C>D>A in some way. this way you have A+B = C+D, A+C = B+D, and so on. so this setup is good. it owns up to the asymmetry of starting locs that will always be present in most good 128x128 maps.

great map, u are one of the elite map makers on this site clearly. the only thing i ever am troubled about in ur maps is sometimes the balance. you are one with the talent to make maps well, but u need bw players to drive the balance i think. that's why i like travin's maps. your style is obviously better, but travin works with FA. i think FA would work with any of you.
My one concern would be the "roundoff" at purple's (8 oclock) position. It's hard getting the ramps right in a top vs bottom thing. My one fear is a that a terran at 8 gets a huge advantage of being able to seige more tanks there and have better defense that any other position.
Also, I love how the mega-cliffs will be very important late-game - will be interesting reps! :)
lol, last f-ing comment!

Anyways, if it turns out to be too imbal for terran, you could always ditch the ramps on the mega-cliffs, that T has to take to the air again to do some killing.
well, the balance comes with gaming.. i do that too sometimes :)

Playable map, but not motw imho.
but yours is, I guess

Btw where is the MotW logo? And Starparty, i think it's time to make it User-Final :)
Isnt this gaia?
@Starparty, can you make an obz version for the next Tournament?
sure, i just didnt knew you thought it was final yet :P and im not home for another few days so i cant change yet
Don't worry the next tournament will be 28.01.2006, so you got enought time.
I need obz version!
HI , hm nice :))
I think it's a shame how many playing Arena instead of this map.Because this map have so much to give in a game.

I believe even Starparty was more than surprised about..
That's because Arena is an lt clone (ok, the execution is better and the positional imbalances are at a minimum) and this is not.
Could be a reason,yeah...cause both require the same playing style
I really liked this map, still do like it. imo it's much better than arena
It feels a little uncomfortable, but that's the same with every nonstandard map...
I never really liked my maps that actually got a little bit popular except when i actually did them. This is no exception, and i even have issues with sattarchasm as of today.

My favourite maps of those i did back then was Storm and Götterdämmerung of the 2 player maps, and Shangri-La and Vega of the 4 player maps. Those maps played so damn well (and they looked beautiful ^^)

And Ground Control is a sick fun air map too.
modified by Starparty


--LGI vs Angel(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs m_O_Oy(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs Angel(1on1, 1.13)
--Panschk[FP] vs LGI(1on1, 1.13)
--Panschk[FP] vs LGI(1on1, 1.13)
--panschk[FP] vs LGI(1on1, 1.13)
--LaO-Artanis vs PrOxi.Soul)iO- (epidiOn)(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs ManInBlack(1on1, 1.13)
--Zalf vs gsense.leuk(1on1, 1.13)
--Gh0s7[5thf] vs efreetoss(1on1, 1.13)
--Gh0s7[5thf] vs efreetoss(1on1, 1.13)
--gsense.Leuk vs Zalf(1on1, 1.13)
--Grazze vs Mireille(1on1, 1.13)
--Quirm vs, 1.13)
--Quirm vs Ghost[5thf](1on1, 1.13)
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--Me_Sir-Lancelot vs UKIO(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs hN)TSL[NS](1on1, 1.13)
--PAIN vs sickela(1on1, 1.13)
--nF_Chance vs MladTehnik(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs hN)TSL[NS](1on1, 1.13)
--MladTehnik vs nF_Chance(1on1, 1.13)
--sickela vs PAIN(1on1, 1.13)
--nF_Chance vs PAIN(1on1, 1.13)
--jefjere vs DG)SpoilR(1on1, 1.14)
--Grief_Stricken vs sonfdozzang(1on1, 1.14)
--maicol(...) vs BHolder(1on1, 1.14)
--BHolder vs yootm(1on1, 1.14)
--Lateratus vs Grief_Stricken(1on1, 1.15)

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