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iccup banner
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iccup finally has our banner on their front page site. I made it using the bwm map logo thing in the files section, putting it against the site's twilight water background.
2008, 08, 16 23:29
Oh and I showed yello-ant the maps in this thread, please post other maps you want me to show him here.
2008, 08, 16 23:30
Your message
2008, 08, 18 03:39
lol really guys, you can't think of any other maps to show off?
2008, 08, 19 07:04
bump :(
2008, 08, 27 20:58
i think ull have to update that dread core upload and also some pictures that doesnt work :o
2008, 08, 28 17:14
I somehow doubt he's going to be looking at that thread at all. I can still update it though.
2008, 08, 29 06:21
Ok I talked to him again today. I showed him Voices IV, Spinel Valley III, Dread Core 1.1, and Korhal Pride 1.3.

Strelok said he didn't like Voices IV, so yello-ant said no to it, lol. Yello-ant said the min only would cause huge imbalances in pvt, even though there are imo very few scenarios where it would even matter, and plenty of ways it could be dealt with even by a retarded player. Yellow-ant said if you deleted the min only the map would be better. lol.

No to Spinel Valley III, because it's a 2 player map. lol -.-

Dread Core and Korhal Pride he kind of liked and said they would definitely test them for the next map addon time, which he said would be in aproximately a month. So none of these maps will be used at the start of the season, but those two have potential to be used mid-season, when new korean maps are added or something like that.
2008, 08, 29 11:27
Ok I showed him Lethal1.0 for lulz, and he said it's nothing special but when it's finished (we test it/edit it more) it might be ok as a 2v2 map.

btw it seems Yello-ant listens to strelok for everything, and strelok is of the opinion that 2v2 maps can be made by anyone, but 1v1 maps only koreans. So like, for the clanleague or whatever the map of the week for that or something, our maps might only be 2v2 maps, but of course anyone can use them as normal public iccup game maps for 1v1/2v2 whatever. -_-
2008, 08, 29 11:32
thanks again for showing my maps i apprieciate it alot :)

2008, 08, 29 16:34
No problem. I'm just happy to get any map from even considered for use in the sc world.
2008, 08, 29 16:50
so i sent my maps personally to an iccup admin hopefully increasing my chanses of atention :D

andhow he been playing 10 years experianse and lethal he thinks is terran map. dread core balanced but maybe slightly protoss favoured.

i suppose lethal is t>z big time :)
2008, 08, 30 00:09
2008, 08, 30 03:48
*cough* *cough* ;)
2008, 09, 03 14:12
Where did that come from :O
2008, 09, 03 18:02
Lis logo is > ;)
2008, 09, 07 03:05
gz listoric
2008, 09, 09 20:38
page: 1


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