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@SP (random map competetion)
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We saw A LOT of 2-player maps in the last weeks. Good 4-player maps are clearly underrepresented. Please make SP contest 4 on 4-player maps ;)

2005, 10, 10 09:42
if the competition guidelines were know on forehand it wouldnt be very random, now would it?...
2005, 10, 10 10:03

Then just start now ;D
2005, 10, 10 10:58
A competition for a new 8 or 6 player map similar to hunters/huntress would be nice. I'm sick of playing the same 3v3, 4v4 maps.
2005, 10, 10 18:56
A new random competition would be nice someday. make up your own rules as you did by now :P

btw, maybe after the "imbalance on purpose" competition.
2005, 10, 10 20:33
"imbalanced on purpose" competetion will end november first. So just make another SP competition if you feel like it, it's not like we can't have more than one at a time.
2005, 10, 10 21:38
We shouldn't have more than one comeptition at once. Don't overdo it.
2005, 10, 10 22:40
Hm, I think taking time until november would mess up the page's destination. This special competition should be a quick one, for it is the opposite of the normality, and would flood the experimental-section (and the 5recent-maps) with too much _useless_ (sorry) stuff.

It's fun, and I will put some effort in this imba-contest, because it is a cool idea (really ;) ), but I'd really suggest to shorten this competition. I also agree with spor[mech], there shouldn't be too many contest at once (though more than one is no problem. just 2 at one time [e.g. MOTW and SP RMC] would be enough for the moment).
I'd set the deadline for 7-10 days (I actually don't think that there will be any frequently new addition when 10 days of this contest have passed).

my 2 cent
2005, 10, 10 22:55
Yeah you are probably right.

I think after some days we should see if community has something to add on the imbamap contest.

And I think we should delete some of the imbamap-participants from the DB when the contest is over.
2005, 10, 10 23:14
I just can second flo. MOTW and a RMC at once is atm absolutely right also as the newest update list is flooded with "strange" maps anyway through the fun contests. We should stick to what we have and proof our qualitiy with good newsposts, great page concept and awesome maps.
2005, 10, 11 00:01
I can make a terran imba map in like 3 minutes. its that easy. Lets see who can make a zerg or protoss imba map. Thats the real challenge.
2005, 10, 11 01:12
page: 1


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