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Shinhan ProLeague Maps
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new maps are out, seems so that they finally use dwebs, those bastards! :D

TL Thread
2007, 04, 13 19:24

there is no lie when we say bwmn > all. our maps are so much better than those man. Im so angry that we dont have a chance to get maps into the korean leagues. Its very depressing.
modified by NastyMarine
2007, 04, 13 19:35
mapdori should be ashamed to have such shitty maps representing them.
2007, 04, 13 20:08
Yeah you are totaly right. These Maps are shitty.
The D-Webs are miserable used. I think Lost Tampon place them realy better in his Maps. The Admins of the Proleague should visit BWMN more often :)
2007, 04, 13 20:40
yes you are correct :)
2007, 04, 13 20:43
ROFL these new maps blow so hard.
I guess I sorta like the edits to geometry, but it's still a bad map. With all those ramps, few expos, and there being absolutely no need to use the middle, it's obviously t>p p>z and with no expos to hide in, I'm guessing t>z, but I could be wrong there, those ramps will make lurks strong.
MontyHall is nice. I can't really point out balance because I have no idea how it will play, I think on that map it's up to the players.
Python. ROFL. Someone want to finish the map? Korean mappers aren't stupid, so what idiot made this a pro map? Very little building room, very few expos, and wider than a french prostitute's legs. The island can't be landed on, so I'm assuming t gets raped everytime. z will have a hard time with so few expos, even with the map being so open. I'm sure atleast in same corner positions protoss rapes zerg, and maybe in other pos too.
Nemesis is another shithole of a map. It is zerg hell. few expos and easily landonable islands will favour terran, especially since the large unbuildable t unfriendly middle is fucking useless.
DMZ looks just unplayable. For one, it has no positional balance with those dwebs, and with the multiple entrances really hurts zerg, who can't even enjoy a free nat. On the other hand, early game protoss will have a hard time, until he can defend both entrances. Seems like terran map to me, but I don't know 2v2 balance that well so I could be wrong.
Chariot is just stupid. Someone said hey let's take requiem and make bases in the corners, and then let's leave it empty. Terran will be strong since he can take every single expo, but all three races can easily harass the expos. Terran might have trouble defending an expo with there being 0 chokes. So it's probably another protoss map. What's with the starleague and picking maps they hope protoss to be strong on? Someone who really likes protoss bought the starleague? Mapdori should be ashamed to have these maps representing them.'s noobs make better maps than these...

This is what I said on tl.
2007, 04, 13 20:54
i'm a noob map maker and don't have any amazing maps yet but even i can agree that these new proleague maps aren't something i'd want or really enjoy playing on.
2007, 04, 14 02:47
K, made numerous replies.
2007, 04, 14 07:23
basically they are expoiting and trying new things without having any clue of what it might turn out. they just overload maps with new features and hope it might be balanced somehow.

but well, it kinda keeps a new playing style in it, if you have as maptype many such experimental maps by standard.
2007, 04, 14 14:39
Agree with you all. But I'm actually happy to see them using such horrible maps. Maybe now the non-korean community gets sick of those and starts to play some of ours.
2007, 04, 14 16:47
those arent THAT horrible i'd say. far below our, but at least they're different
2007, 04, 14 17:34
like all of them except Python, DMZ is a blast to be honest i had a lot of fun on it
2007, 04, 14 20:53
2007, 04, 14 23:23
when we gona have them available for DL? i know these maps might look like crap at first but their just little gates that mapdori is opening to find out a new and exciting ways to play SC... this is due to the fact that many of the interview with people on professional teams are asked "What would help prevent sc from dieing?" 90% of them suggested making more creative maps that inspire a whole new kind of gameplay... lets just try to have fun on these maps and try to refine ideas, and new ideas will definately sprout from these maps
2007, 04, 15 02:03
i notice they staggered those mins in monty hall, but i can still probe hop them :o
2007, 04, 15 02:11
ah I'll upload them
2007, 04, 15 02:17
thanks for lost temple 2.5 called python. really more standard than that one isnt it?

about dmz, its disgusting name and so the looks. mass web like a new terrain, but why? i dont see so much points. i fear the sprite limit could also be hit easily in long games with air stuff. without the d-webs we got a blizzard map in outer ring shape with its awkward gameplay. at least the ramps facing towards the center could spice the early games up, but too easily defended to bring nasty surprises in the late game. i guess totally air map, but dk.
2007, 04, 15 02:20
Something I wanted to say about the whole "Korean mappers are stealing our ideas" thing...

I don't know if the BWMN community can conclusively state that they were the first to have maps with innovations like reverse ramps, widened ramps, shrunken ramps, neutral buildings, spells in maps, etc.

Even if it can be proven that this site was the first to release a map with such innovations, it is almost impossible to prove that this site was the first to come up with the idea of using it.

And if the claims are true and BWMN was the first to release all these things, are Korean pro mappers "stealing" the ideas any more than someone in another part of the world who releases another map with the new innovations after the original mapmaker did? Ideas are meant to be shared, not fought over. These maps are released in public; of COURSE someone (pro or otherwise) is going to somehow find this and say "hey, that's a nice idea! I want to put this in a map of my own." Is he wrong to do so?
2007, 04, 20 04:20
Is it wrong to use a crazy map idea or concept? No. Is it wrong to not give credit? Yes.
2007, 04, 20 04:23
no i think you got it wrong pOOwarriOr-.. its out of frustration we state all this. we have never got any sort of credit that most mappers should here. The innovation, the time put into this site, conversations about balance etc. all contributes to what and why we say things about the mapping community. It doesn't seem like most of the maps made were looked at for balance.. just more innovation. and we offer balance and innovation. more than any other site imo. ofc if you'd go to mapdori, or you'll see some really fresh concepts that some here havent done. but we and I all feel that somewhere down the road, we should get recognition for it.

2007, 04, 20 05:42
2007, 04, 20 10:23
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