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I won the blizzcon map contest...?
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I got this in the mail today...

2005, 09, 02 19:18
which maps did you submit? i forgot=[

congrats too
2005, 09, 02 20:32
earthquake/nightlight/viridian obsidian

they didn't indicate which map they're going to use though... o_O
2005, 09, 02 20:36
thats really cool. hopefully blizzard sends invitations to alot of really good players that take the effort into practicing these maps, so you can see your maps being played at a level of perfection
2005, 09, 02 20:59
I'd say it's viridian obsidian:) earthquake sureley not, or they don't know what they do :D

No news on the mappack on blizzcon page though:( I hope SP and trcc win, too :D
2005, 09, 02 21:36
and congratulations btw;)

I suppose it will take a few more days for european winners ;)
2005, 09, 02 21:38
Hehe, I also won ;).

I received the same thing as bongee :D
2005, 09, 02 22:04
heh trcc. congrats. did you get a letter like mine?

also, they are only picking 3 maps, correct? so that's 2 out of 3 so far from this site. awesome
2005, 09, 02 22:09
Did they tell any number?

I suppose it's more, trcc said it was 5.
2005, 09, 02 22:12
I though i was 5, yes i received the same letter but the only thing that differ is Dear Jerome :P
2005, 09, 02 22:13

Selection Process:
The first round of selection will be conducted by Blizzard staff.
The final round of selection will be conducted by Blizzard staff together with feedback from well-known players, mapmakers, and tourney admins.
Five maps will be chosen for use in BlizzCon's StarCraft invitational.
2005, 09, 02 22:16
ah, it's five. I just checked. still though, this is pretty cool :D
2005, 09, 02 22:17

just kidding I didnt. But when are they gonna publicly announce these maps?
2005, 09, 03 00:04
Congrats boongee and trcc. It's well deserved.
2005, 09, 03 01:07
2005, 09, 03 02:26
Congratulations you guys! trcc what map do you think got in?
2005, 09, 03 02:48
No idea =P
2005, 09, 03 05:26
Shit, i should have sent my maps in as well, i always wanted to read these 3 starcraft books *grrr*

gratz you two :)
2005, 09, 03 08:31
i probably wont win, specially since gotterdammerung was used in EPS :P if that would matter. But also im swede and IF i won against the ods, it still would take time before anythign arrived here.
2005, 09, 03 09:31
btw, that autograph doesnt say "Chris SIgaty" does it? :P
2005, 09, 03 09:32
We seem to be the first site holding this news :9
2005, 09, 03 10:05
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