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New Rule? Picture Editting
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Anyone else think there should be a rule against editting a picture (brightness, colour, contrast, etc.) in the hopes of making it look better than it is? I can maybe understand adjusting brightness to make ramps on Ash Tileset more visible (I don't know if that would actually work, I just draw in green lines), but I think it's frankly unfair in competitions when a map only looks better because the image was editted. It's also really fucking lame when someone edits the colours or brightness to such a degree that the map is harder to see.

I guess it doesn't REALLY matter, but considering a least 75% of the people voting on maps have never played them, it seems just a bit unfair ;P
2008, 01, 16 00:51
you'll get that regardless. Even before when brighter pics were used we got 'pic voting'
2008, 01, 16 01:27
That's exactly my point... If you're voting on pics, they should at least all be the same (with regards to accuracy of the map they're displaying).
2008, 01, 16 01:34
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2008, 01, 16 13:44
well, when everyone edits pictures, then all pictures look better to the same degree, which then has no effect to the judgement. only all maps of the database look better! :D
2008, 01, 16 13:45
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2008, 01, 16 16:48
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2008, 01, 16 20:04
flo has right, but editing picture doesn't do everything, the deco has to be nice too. Look at carkling's last map, edited picture but it still looks ugly. :D
2008, 01, 16 20:17
2008, 01, 16 21:15
2008, 01, 16 21:24
"wth, i was 1000% serios, fucker -.-"

Just because I don't edit pics, doesn't mean I'd be bad at it.
2008, 01, 16 22:17
What's wrong with seeing more details on the map pictures? I dont think such a rule is a good idea.
2008, 01, 17 15:21
Well, Flo, once everyone uses Zerg mineral hack, skill will be the deciding factor.
2008, 01, 17 17:26
"What's wrong with seeing more details on the map pictures?"
Because a lot of maps that have their pictures editted look like crap in game. I know because I've been super excited to play a map I thought looked cool on the website, then I get to it in game and it's like vomit.
2008, 01, 17 17:29
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2008, 01, 17 17:54
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2008, 01, 17 22:59
wow you guys really are arguing over that still?

Just use InfranView already PLEASE! It's simple. Not only do the colors have an appealing hue value, but they enhance the maps terrain, and decoration.
2008, 01, 18 02:36
mite I add that some mappers think that grouping 2,000 doodads in maps are appealling - which sometimes looks nice in the pic but straight dissapointing in game. Especially when some authors don't fully tile their rampsssssssssssss.

But, people will always judge maps based on decoration. I bet almost 60% judge just because of the type of mood it presents them. Mappers that utilize this tool to their best qualities shouldn't be ridiculed - during game or picture quality wise..
modified by NastyMarine
2008, 01, 18 02:41
No matter how much you edit a picture, it's not going to make the map look better in game, Nasty.
2008, 01, 18 06:01
scmdraft2 pictures are dark and blurry, you should use a program to at least make them sharper and lighter.
2008, 01, 18 18:06
I didnt say that the picture makes the ingame visuals better. All I said is that any author that can manipulate the visuals to get attention for a map shouldnt be ridiculed ever.
2008, 01, 19 03:51
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