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Troy variant
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Since I don't feel like making maps myself anymore, I guess it would be best to tell you about this troy like feature that came to my mind recently:

The point is to have a gate that actually can be closed AND opened.

It's important to notice that assimilators, refineries and extractors have different collision sizes, so protoss can open the gate wider than terran, and zerg can't really open it at all.
There once was a map, though, that allowed lings to pass through a gap if an extractor was built, this kind of contradicts this and should be tested specifically.

Since you can only build on a geysir that is aligned to the grid, you have to be careful with distances. There still should be many possible setups with different effects.

For example: a 8 pixel wide gap to the left of a geysir will allow toss to send anything but goons and reaves through the gate if they build an assim. Terran with a refinery can only squeeze ghosts through.

You can change the gap size by placing another geysir (unbuildable), or whatever fits in your setup.

You could use those gates to get a scout through and close it immediately, or you could use them as backdoors to the opponents base, but the opponent could build an extractor/refinery to block the gate for you.

Problematic is that a drone will always (if I remember correctly) move to the bottom if you cancel an extractor. So you could drone jump from top to bottom but no the other way. Maybe this can be corrected by placing unwalkable terrain around a part of the geysir.

Anyways, this is an idea you can work with however you like.
2009, 09, 20 14:32
Just fooled around with 2 geysirs directly next to each other, in horizontal alignment.

If the geysirs are surrounded by unwalkable terrain except for 2 tiles in the middle, top and bottom, all races can jump over the geysirs with workers.

Since I used null terrain for my first tests, I also found something cool: Zerg creep extends over the null terrain, but you can't walk onto the part where the null terrain was. But if there is an extractor, mostly surrounded by null terrain, and part of the null terrain is covered by creep, a drone will appear on the null-creep after it harvests gas. From there you can move it freely over any null terrain as long as the drone doesn't stop. Once it stops it becomes uncontrollable.
That could be key to a completely weird island map on space terrain :p
2009, 10, 02 14:49
With regards to the null tiles there are several maps here that use them: Mazicolozist, Chaos Darkness, Out of the Void, Waters of Exgelia and Sumeria V. Using null tiles allows units to wander off into places they normally would not like the water tiles. Check my post "Water Skying" on page 10 of the main forum. But it is a difficult tile to work with that can have many problems. Check my post "Null tile problem" also in page 10 of the main forum.
2009, 10, 08 02:43
Yeah but all these maps have starting locations right inside an area of null tiles. with creep + extractor you can actually send drones into the void in the middle of a game. Might even be possible with a neutral creep colony, didn't try that...

Oh and in that thread you said you didn't know what he meant by tile numbers (1-15). Open up the tileset palette in SCMD2, in small view (it seems bugged if you enlarge the tile window), hover over a tile and in the caption of the window it will display two numbers like this: xxxx.xx
The first part is the line index, the second part is the column index. I suppose by 1-15 he meant line 0, columns 1-15, and possibly even 0. Those are the tiles that SC indexes with 0-15.
2009, 10, 08 11:17
page: 1


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