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Fog of War
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Hey wasn't really sure what to title this thread, but basically I had an idea...
So its been discussed before, but an effective solution to people knowing base layout on new maps hasn't been found...some ideas have been like to reveal everything except main bases, or do a checkered pattern of reveal dont reveal of tiles...all solutions haven't my idea is for OBs versions of maps, people can play and what we do is on the obs versions, reveal vision of just the minerals and gas, so on the minimap they can see the blue resource thingy to see the base layout, but hopefully they wont be able to see the creep of Zerg in main...I haven't tested it yet, but do you guys know what I mean? Think itll work?
2013, 03, 02 06:36
You can check it!
2013, 03, 02 16:54
I'll try it out soon and let you guys know how it goes...
2013, 03, 02 17:49
you may bee to only do a fog of war block on te matrix away from the town hall because for a split second the vision of eorkers may happen.
2013, 03, 02 17:53
Oops ignore this comment...
modified by traceurling
2013, 03, 02 18:57

You can still see the creep..
modified by CrystalDrag
2013, 03, 05 04:21
Pictures not that clear...but...NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU It was such a good idea :(...hopefully Ill think of some fix...
2013, 03, 05 05:51
Actually it is really clear, minerals dont have the bubbles on them..
2013, 03, 05 05:59
Hmmm...maybe put hallucinated minerals behind the mineral line, far enough away from the creep and give vision of the hallucinated minerals?
2013, 03, 05 10:36
that will probably not work, as the distance is pretty far...
2013, 03, 05 15:14
Why is Blizzard do annoying x(
2013, 03, 05 15:58
Fog of war is kind of excentric. And I mean literally.

Maybe if you reveal only just the right tiles it would works (nut you'd probably not see all patches on the minimap).

Anyway, I cannot make out any details on that picture, really bad brightness editing. You need to improve contrasts not brightness!
2013, 03, 05 19:51
You see the minimap? The first set of minerals to the left are both of the mineral field matrix being revealed by fog of war.
The second set of minerals in the middle(left in the picture) is only one matrix on the left side of the mineral field.
The third set of minerals to the right(right in the picture) is only one matrix on the right side of the mineral field.
2013, 03, 05 21:02
I haven't actually tested it out, but I remember CardinalAllin mentioning that on a bunch of his UMS fixed-spawn team maps that the vision is greyed out at the beginning of the game (SC2 style, sort of) instead of completely black. You could probably go into one of his maps and copy the triggers.
2013, 03, 06 01:57
but does the vision prevent the creep from being shown?..
2013, 03, 06 02:36
It's definitely not a trigger issue...
2013, 03, 07 18:44
I remember discussing that before, about CardinalAllin's greyed out maps and I think the concern was that there's no way to see which areas should be blacked out and which areas you already scouted..
2013, 03, 09 05:33
page: 1


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