2)http://www.panschk.de/mappage/maplist.php?search=ramp&type=&wplayers=Players&wtileset=Terrain&wend=scm%2Fscx&wmapsize=map+size&wauthor=author&limit=limit&orderby=Order+by...&go=go modified by LaO-Artanis
Neither Hennius nor Woodenfire can create better inverted ramps for melee. Their work is all beautiful, yeah, but not usable for melee maps... (at least not for standard-size inverteds)
For terrain decoration, mostly just figure it out yourself. Discover a decoration style that both looks attractive and appeals to you and your sense of time. For ramps, I think you either have the gift of visual sensory or you don't: you can either put them together on your own very well or you can't, in which case just use copy/paste ;)
I cant put my own ramps together easily...hell i have a hard enough time blending the inverted ice ramp into my map (I never got the right one to work)