Posted by:panschk[FP]
It is wednesday already, so we are late. This was because we just could not decide which map should be MOTW, and because Listoric is not here for the dirty work ;)
This week's Map of the week is pretty experimental compared to most other maps who win it here, because LGI is a mapper who tries new design and gameplay ideas in his maps regulary. On Grapes of Wrath 2.0 (Do not get confused by the old version that is in the database too) he has the natural expansion on the same high ground as the main, but accessible by two ramps. After leaving your mainbase, there are a lot of paths to chose from to proceed. This should allow pretty tactical battles. The level of decoration ingame is very nice because of the huge amount of doodads used. As LGI tests his maps a lot ingame, we can be pretty sure there are no bad bugs occuring ingame.
Well we comment the PvT sutation at many places. So to be short, T is not that strong, when he gets down, i even see this in TvP games on the map. If you like the map, you can try it, and give some repleys, here, it will be great!
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