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Last update for (2)HighWay_op_v : 2006, 02, 21 19:12
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1021 (2)HighWay_op_v 128*96(2)Highway2.6final

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (6 elements)

Hi! i am Korean Mapper Zzz_!

Nice to meet you :D
I like ^^;
Well decorated, very basic layout but good looking. put 2 mineral only expos in the middle so there is something to fight for there. ill post gmcs where they may/could be placed.
Same tought, same expo placement as NastyMarine...
Very nice design:)

I agree that the way it is now, the expansions are not neutral enough. I do not think it is needed to add another one though, moving the existing ones a bit closer to the center would do it too.
Actually the gas expansion that is close to the players main base (4 and 10 O'clock) could be pretty neutral if it was not attackable from the high ground main. Just move it a bit and add some more doodads:)
perhaps by getting rid of the min only expo on the high grounds near the nats... and moving it to the min onlies to the places i suggested. as it is now, there are 3 easy obtainable expos(for each player).. the high ground min only, the nat... and the expos adjacent to both main bases.. i wuld consider making those (the one i jus mention) min only. and i still say to get rid of the min only on the highground. best thing to do is make it like a nostalgia or gaia back door feeling and lengthen the high ground to the corners where the 1 and 7 expos are. the space at 1 and 7 are not really needed. so making it high ground that would lead to those expos arent a bad idea.
interesting "center"layout btw. i wonder how that one plays ingame. but it's right that you should re-think the expansion layout. the highround-minonly doesn't feel good somehow. i would try an other setup for this one. same goes for the gasexpo next to the mainbase...I would move it away from there; maybe put it in front of the water, facing to the enemy? then you'd have some movement towards the middle and game gets more aggressive. still wouldn't be too hard to take.

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