| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Magma Veins : 2006, 04, 13 21:23
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 1209 | (2)Magma Veins | 128*128 | flothefreak | 2.3 | beta | | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
flothefreak | | | A map that was hanging around on my PC for 1-2 weeks now. i have just made the decoration (dropspots not yet closed). it is a 2-entrance concept. there is a small backdoor which leads directly to a quite easy expo. zerg can FE here because the creep of the starthatch reaches the ramp so you can morph a sunken there without problems; as there is a ramp, you should be able to secure this entrance in early game, too. tanks cannot shoot mainmins/mainhatch/maingas. | NastyMarine | | | beautiful map! very nice nice nice lol. 1 problem that i see is that zerg can run pretty rampant on this map. but t can set up above the nat.. many times it culd mean gg if z isnt careful so i guess its not a problem. TvP should be pretty fun on this map. great work im lovin' it. | flothefreak | | | thx :)
updated to a version with fixed dropholes btw. did not change picture, though.
panschk, if you delete a map in the "edit"-screen, is the file removed from the FTP as well? | flothefreak | | | btw i could actually send this to TANL lol.
i just read the number of maps is unlimited. so i may sumbit magma veins, trench warfare, awoken demons, autumn diver and the map i gonna upload later (the one i sent to half of the BWMN ppl ;D) | lnept | | | i dont get it, what makes it "beautiful" it seems people only like beautiful maps and no matter how good the map is they just look at the look of it, and say "yea good map" if it look good in jpeg even if gameplay is horrible
all i would suggest is delete expos in middle. good map in essence , but i dont believe it would be too balanced | flothefreak | | | a good map executed ugly is no good map.
the eye plays, too ;P
and yeah, i know that this one needs heavily testing |
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