MillenniumArmy | | |
Now what I might be concerned about is the lack of expos in the actual middle of the map. I don't know if this would be a problem. But also, the pathways leading towards the 12 and 6 oclock expos and all four nats, are they a bit narrow? Should I widen them up more? modified by MillenniumArmy |
lnept | | |
map doesnt need more expos |
MillenniumArmy | | |
I meant should some of them be moved to the middle, not added. |
Nightmarjoo | | |
Having them narrow makes a good chokepoint for defense, and puts more emphasis on the middle; keeping them narrow means ppl have to use the middle, so you don't need expos there |
MillenniumArmy | | |
But anyways, I made some minor updates. Observer version is now available too |
Antares | | |
i think the recent version is pretty good, you dont need middle expos |
SynDrome | | |
im afraid T can get 2 expansions without too much effort. but that dosnt bothers me, theres enough flanking room in the middle. |
NastyMarine | | |
very very sexxxy :)
has a nice layout..
any problems with pathfinding between horizontal positions? (cause of the mineral blocks at 12 and 6) |
Listoric | | |
Reminds me of:
I dislike the minerals glued to the mapedge, except that, quite nice.
MillenniumArmy | | |
Alright I uploaded a replay of this current 1.0 version |
MillenniumArmy | | |
Changes made in 1.1:
- 12 & 6 oclock expos have become islands
- Added backdoor ramps to all player's bases, with min blocks (24 minerals in each block)
- Repositioned the 3 and 9 oclock expos to middle
- Made naturals tad bit farther and open
- Moved min onlies away from base
- Overall, should be less of a T map. modified by MillenniumArmy |
LGI | | |
I don't know how exatcly to expalin this, but i will just tell what i would do, and you will think of a way to fix it (if you want it ofcourse :) ). So i think it would be better to think of a symetry structure in the center which will help for the both cross position path finding then just putting it like the startt locations are at 9, 12, 3, 6 . I hope you get what i mean >:E . |
LGI | | |
Well good job whit the bridgs then :) |
Antares | | |
wow dramatical changes! its getting better and better ;) |
Asura_Blade | | |
where's all the gas... -.- |
Antares | | |
what do you mean asura? :O |