NastyMarine | | |
LT clone :) modified by NastyMarine |
ScoutWBF | | |
It sure is a LT clone.but a pretty bad clone =/ |
AiurZ | | |
is it really a lt clone?
i mean, yeah the start positions are in about the same locale, and yeah theres a big doodad in the center, but besides that i thought it was pretty much different.
you only have 6 patches at your main, 6 at your natural, and there are 10 at each of the mineral onlies.
there are no islands, no cliff at your nat, and a much more open middle. i think the mains are a lot smaller too.
but i guess i should have known better than to put my start positions at 3 6 9 and 12. |
ScoutWBF | | |
Yeah this way you took everything that made LT a good map.It had many strategies that now are impossible. |
NastyMarine | | |
well yea there are differences if u want us to name them, but the layout is almost exactly replicated.
something so simliar really would never catch some1's eye to say (for example): "oh a new map, ill play it~"
sorry :/ |
AiurZ | | |
im not trying to argue the validity of your point that my map sucks.
but to say that its a lt clone is a lot like all the people who said memory cell was a nostalgia clone. |
Arden(WoF) | | |
I don't think it's an LT clone, I just don't see anything special about it. It's one of the most basic four player maps I've ever seen. That doesn't make it bad, theres just no point in making such a basic map. |
NastyMarine | | |
common lingo for map makers imo
basic = lt
which is pretty straight foward wen describing the map... u can see the similarities and yes there are differences but not enuff to sway any judgement away from the noticable look of it
Memory cCell a nostalgia clone? very Bold statement imo :D |
lnept | | |
i'd say memory cell is a nostalgia clone before saying this is a LT clone
i see what your trying to do here, making the middle the most important. But seriously, it isnt a big enough change that people are going to use the map for that |
NastyMarine | | |
this map's middle is jus as tight with those doodads! there is nothing in this map that looks like u were trying to not make LT (in badlands)
nostalgia's layout is no where close to MC's im afriad.. maybe an idea that was transferred (the highground passages) which is completely common in many maps..
take (2)Korhal Cove for example .. imo it can be compared to Paranoid Android if u wanna break it down. There are many noticable simalarities to PA but there are differences that sway judgement at a clone.. though i must admit it has same idea kinda |
Listoric | | |
Hmm, one question:
It looks like LT, it offers less strategies and tbh, it looks like you've done it in 20 minutes, at least i would have done it in that time.
Nothing special, the bottom startposition has the most vulnerable main minerals, as a Terran at 12 and a toss at 9, i'd even dare to take his mineral only ^^
An ok map, but i think you're here for a long time now, so i really think that this is kind of a joke, especially with that mapname.
If not, sorry :/ |
NastyMarine | | |
should really be: (4)Nightmare of LT heheh :0
jk |
SynDrome | | |
so simple... |
AiurZ | | |
This map puts nearly all of the focus into the neutral expansions, and the positioning of the neutral expansions is intended to make the positions factor a lot into the gameplay.
Early in the game, you are also caught in the dilemma of producing extra workers past saturation in anticipation of taking one of the center mineral only's, which are incredibly exposed, so that you don't have to wait in order to take advantage of the mineral count there.
In the same vein, transfering large amounts of workers in order to take advantage of the neutral expansion can become a problem, since again the neutral expansions are very exposed.
the distances arent so large that you can do stupid shit builds and get away with them because units take 4 hours to walk across position to position.
you can defend your natural and the corridor prevents you from being outgunned on the arc on the way in.
the minerals are exposed to attack, allowing to play a little bit more aggresively, instead of worrying about losing half their harassing force in transit to the mineral line which is protected by 4 miles of mainbase.
im thinking about opening up the 6 mineral only, or rearranging it so that it is more open to attack.
having only 6 patches at your main and natural affect a lot more than you would think. |
herb | | |
Yeah this is LT clone :) |
Cucdas | | |
Lol |
Nightmarjoo | | |
not an lt clone, but as they said too basic, nothing new or special.
mc is not nostalgia. To say to would be retarded. The cliffs from expo to expo aren't used on mc like at all, but they are in nost. Mc has a gas nat. Mc has expos which are not retardedly far from the main. Mc is very different from nost. This is an lt clone before mc is a nost clone, and I said this is not an lt clone :) |