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Last update for (2)Fall of NoradII : 2006, 07, 25 22:48
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1425 (2)Fall of NoradII 96*96NastyMarine2.3beta

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

This map has a unique layout but it may be too tight in the middle.. I love the backdoor entrance, the ramps are like 815's ramps, but they are wide enough to fit the larger units through them.

There are also nuetral buildings and units through out the map to get a "terran" feel around the map.. there are invincible turrets and the Norad2.. and there are outlying nuetral units which can be killed so u can expo or have access through the backdoor passage etc.

comments and suggestions appreciated
I dont like the idea that terran can secure 2 expansions easly, the layout is good tho.
How do you make the uphill ramps without curving around?
use scmdraft or an editor other than staredit, and make the ramp square tile by square tile.

maybe you could make the mineral only seperate from the nat, or make a choke instead of the wide opening

although it is somewhat tight, idk how you would widen it; I spose you could make the mineral only smaller to make room, not that it's necessary at all.

The main entrance seems a bit large, especially since there's the backdoor. I like the backdoor, it's similar to the thing they have in bifrost or korhal, only you don't have to go all over the map ^_^ At the same time, you'd have a hard time taking too strong a force through there, but it seems to me that z could slip lings through there and really hurt p in early game, or a little later hit the p with lings in front and back, early defense would be needed imo, which can hurt economically; but regardless it is interesting.
another badlands map by nasty :)
bad that high grass looks so plain

but the main idea of the map is COOL !

the backdoor entrance with narrow passage is nice, but the choke is too big in my opinion, so a protoss or terran player could face some problems at the early game (PvZ and TvP)

the middle is tight you are right, i think the solution would be erasing the 3 and 9 o'clock expos' second ramp or making the main smaller and move the backdoor entrance nearer to the edges.. that would open the center up

how do you make INVINCIBLE neutral buildings? as units or sprites or how? it is also a great idea

besides that i dont think a tight middle needs them to make it more tighter.. but you could also place them elsewhere

modified by Antares
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