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Last update for (4)Land Before Time : 2006, 10, 03 02:55
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1698 (4)Land Before Time 96*128NastyMarine2.3beta

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

This map has been hanging around in my computer for about 2 weeks. It plays pretty well and I will post as much of the reps as i can.

modified by NastyMarine
some things to point out:

the min onlies at 9 and 3 have 2 modified minerals at the end of each mineral line (the top most and bottom most minerals); they are 500.

the gas expos at 12 and 6 (on the mainland) each have 2 modified minerals, worth 250.

chokes are 1 rax wallable.
ok looks good. Much better than mother love.
Pretty simple though =/

At the moment I can't see anything wrong.
me like
The center reminds me one of my maps. (4)The Comming Dark Age.

Later i will post a comment about the map.
hehe, i already wanted to write that it ressembes a lot LGI's maps. kinda nice and well executed, but a quite safe natural...i see all races going FE ;D

surely good to play and comfortable for everyone, also for those dont knowing the map. the decoration seems to be nice (judging from the pic).

overall, a good basic map, fun to play even though it is quite standardly. still, i like it
lol gogo lGI clones rofl^^
The map looks fine and yes it looks quite standard. Anyway the only thing that i see that you could change are removing the cliffs right next to your chokes... Just see GMCS. Because carriers would be very dangurs on this position. Just think how bad will be this for terran on such tight spot where his choke and nat is to have carriers hidding above the cliffs. And by removing them you will also open a little in front of the choke.

P.S. It's nice to see more 4 players maps in 96x128 size. I just hope they are balance and good to play, because the last 96x128 4 players map by trcc didn't play well for me...
modified by LGI
dont take protoss the carrier option - there is no traditional center, and those paths arent really large canyons
@LGI: Those cliffs are a must that u pointed on gmcs.. i cannot risk letting a T camp there with tanks blasting away at units leaving the main base.

I dont see much resemblence to (4)The Coming Dark Age to this map, other than there is lots of mud and rockground.

@flo: Well my idea was that Z could have a choice to go 2 hatch with a semi safe nat or 3 hatch and put the hatch away from the minerals but above or below the gas so that they can recieve gas and still fully be able to gaurd the nat entrance. Plus, variety is the key when making maps :) let the player have options.
modified by NastyMarine
Any other comments? :)
If those cliffs are a must, then replace the water with cliffs and remove the old cliffs, or move the choke and the nats. It's too tight around the choke...
It's good and playable, but that's about it. nothing too special about this so there's nothing much to comment on. good work though
Nice looking map dude

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