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Last update for (2)Chop Suey : 2007, 01, 16 21:38
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1930 (2)Chop Suey 128*128LostTampon2.3experimental

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

well, this time featuring dark swarms :p

the lower gas in the main has 1k gas to compensate the nats layout
modified by LostTampon
until you realized sprites wont do shit to ur units. that will just be an animation.(I guess...)
modified by SynDrome
where are you supposed to build?

the map seems VERY wide and open. i wonder how it plays
I just tested it, the dark swarms DO work.
The way it is now, I dont think it will have many influence on the gameplay though the way it is played right now.

buildings space is not THAT bad, some more would not hurt though.
Why did you make it impossible to properly 3hatch to defend main/nat? The 2nd gas in main doesn't really make FE less appealing, however zvt would be impossible to safely expo at all since t can run up the ramp to your expo, I don't want to have to place sunks in my main and nat =/
If zerg gets through early game fine the 3gas will give them a huge boost and make tvz pretty hard imo.

I agree that the swarms really won't do much.

idk needs testing, particularly zvt imo.
Solve ZvT by placing creep colonies in front of the natural somewhere. It solves balancing and makes the map more interesting as well imo
there's a problem with this map, though: there's no central route. a lot of maps suffer this flaw. Your units are forced to choose between 2 far away paths to get to the other side of the map...

fix this any way you want. or don't. just something to take into considering.

also I think it could use some more dark swarms in key areas. then it will be a very nice map
okay, changed now a lot of stuff
nazca for 2 with spells! :)
And what is the path finding between main bases which routes are used by units from main to main click.
yep, luna is also like nazca :p
Imo those spells don't change that much on this map. You could leave them away and there wouldn't change that much... Except for some expansions getting more vulnerable.
I am waiting for a map that forces you to use those spells creatively.
imo map is better without dwebs and swarms, the neutrals are ok I guess so long as pathing works.

Nasty the only similarity to nazca with this map is that it's jungle tileset.

Double path layout is nothx for pathing =/

I think the canyon areas should be used more; all the fighting over expos will take place on the high ground =/

nat/main layout is still gay
The battlefields that surround the mains are all low ground followed by higher ground which is similar to nazca's layout. The main thing i see different is the nats and the spells along the map. You cant ignore that similarities. This is a good map though and I'm not not knocking the map. I think its pretty cool.
modified by NastyMarine

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