| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Reverence : 2007, 01, 30 16:02
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 1958 | (4)Reverence | 128*128 | TheRush[7] | 2.6 | beta | | The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
TheRush[7] | | | Comment me ^^ | Nightmarjoo | | | pic added
well the straight lines of the map are fairly unnattractive. The map is pretty tight except in the middle, try and strive for a balance of open and tight.
The nat gas mining will be in the way of troops leaving the main.
The easy to obtain 3gas combined with that one bridge choke will make terran pretty strong. | EffectHypnotize | | | open up the area where the mains are and move the expo out of unit paths and it will be a fairly standard map. | TheRush[7] | | | my keyboard is totally fckd but now hve updatet m map ^^^^^^^^
ye wong pictiire facking kyboard modified by TheRush[7] | TheRush[7] | | | added some doodads and fixed the terrain a little
hope it looks nicer now and are playable. | Nightmarjoo | | | well the middle's decoration is straight and symetricalish which looks fairly ugly; and in general the terrain decoration is mostly a formation of large blobs, try and make a more natural looking world, or make a nicer balance of the different terrains.
As for balance, the nat doesn't really have any choke now, that makes it hard to defend, makes FE with most races impossible. Also zerg has to 3hatch to defend main and nat, but really defending the nat is pretty hard with no choke. | TheRush[7] | | | well had some problems whit the net,
but have updated the map.
i think it is a balance there now, even thou the cliffs are not equal.
havent bothered whit the terrain like doodads and that stuff, just want the map to be working good so i dont need to take the doodads away when i propebly need to update it again ^^,.-'จจ'-., modified by TheRush[7] |
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