| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Orion : 2007, 02, 14 21:27
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 1999 | (2)Orion | 128*96 | DeSade | 2.2 | final | | The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
DeSade | | | My second post.
Plz rate and give feedback if you feel to!
(especially about the small expo in main which i mean to be the crucial point in this map) | DeSade | | | Noone commenting so I will do it by myself.
I put down a small expo in each main with 4 mineralblocks a 500 and one geyser a 1000 to help z abit.
I havent tested it in multiplayer yet so I dont know if it works.
Maybe I should eraze the extra gas?
only 3 Mins?
None at all? | LostTampon | | | hm, seems to be a solid 1on1 air map
like on the other map, try to decorate the map a bit more :)
are the mains tankable from low ground? | Nightmarjoo | | | Sorry for no comment, I had no internet for a little while ><
I like the main setup, helps zerg without making it too strong, still allows the option to play the map like an old school island map.
@LostTampon lol well yeah it's tankable, but not much of it, and I doubt it'll ever be a problem.
The N/S expos look a little awkward with the formation going to the side, anyone could go around back or drop behind it and really mess up the workers, but I spose that might be your intention.
Yeah besides the decoration being a little lax, I don't really see any issues at all. Looks nice, I'll have to try it out :) | DeSade | | | Thx I have to try it yet too :)
If anyone would like to play some of the new maps (mine,yours,others) I`m in.
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