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Last update for (4)Reviem : 2007, 03, 01 16:27
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2026 (4)Reviem 128*128LostTampon2.6beta

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Reversed, mayb needs some more testing :)
wow pretty damn cool
cool, but I like the real one better >_>
turn it 180° and you won't need any inverteds. But REALLY turn it.
k turned the pic

is there an easy way to turn the map, too? :/
modified by LostTampon
ahh my eyes
this inverted picture looks horrible!!!
but nice work
ok, next edit:

because it is too much work to flip the entire map i decided to use normal ramps instead of inverted ramps - therefore i had to redo the terrain a bit
i hope this works out :)

i left 2 inverted ramps because else it would take too much space to replace them
modified by LostTampon
Other than using SCMD2's mirror-ISOM feature, there is no possibility; and even that wouldn't really make it easy. You would have to set mirrorY and draw the bottom half again (refresh the existing terrain, so to speak), then you have to reload a backup of the map and do the same with the top of the map, and finally you will have to put the 2 halves together.
yep, i thought the same thing, but its still very timeconsuming :/
"wow pretty damn cool" agreed
"cool, but I like the real one better >_>" noob, don't be such a bwm traitor :O
"yep, i thought the same thing, but its still very timeconsuming :/" yeah like your mom ~~

the nats look all 3hatchy, I don't remember that in the less-bwm requiem.

lol@keeping the cross, why not make it a star of david :O Or make it say BWM ;)

blue's main2nat looks pretty awkward/different from the others, you gave S an invert, why not W too? That pos imba actually looks like a balance problem...
No Requiem without Cross!
Inverted Requiem could be a better name :o

nope you wont need 3 hatch. try it yourself, place 2 or 3 sunks , they fit fine

about the inverted ramps:
it seems so that people thislike them, although they are used even in promaps, so i redid this. therefore i used a normal ramp at west location, i see no benefit from using an inverted there yet

and yeah, new mapnames are always welcome :D
i think reviem is too short lol make it reverse requiem
i dont really care about the name, but some W base can wall easily with 1 supply and 1 barracks, the reverse ramp i couldnt figure out, the east u can wall with 1 supply and 1 rax but theres a way through the top of the supply, and the north one u cant wall at all. please balance. thanks
modified by hmichaelkim
k thx :)

fixed, it should now be possible to wall on each position
modified by LostTampon
lol where the fuck is a melee version? :)
pfah, why do you need a melee version :P
"the nats look all 3hatchy, I don't remember that in the less-bwm requiem"

yeah u do have to 3 hatch, its also like that on the regular requiem, its odd. i dont know if it should be changed or not though
i opened up the map and placed buildings and i discovered that teal and red's mains are too small. Try making them larger by extending the main farther towards the middle or the backdoor to the nat.
erm, i dont see why you have to 3 hatch...
if your second hatch is the fe you can place the sunkens on each position fine.
you have to care about your far away-gas anyways (you can do that by pacing the sunkens a bit more to the front)

@building space, yeah i recognized it, but i wanted to maintain the original doodad placement (which wasnt a good idea after all ^^)

btw: thx for testing that :D
modified by LostTampon
yea i dont think its a problem if u fix the pos imba in the map. Doing that will make it much more playable and enjoyable.

good work all in all.. im happy some1 took teh insentive to reverse a map.
okay, next edit:

- increased sizes of mains a bit
- moved blue main a bit down
- turned purps main by 90°
oh yeah lol i just tried the obs version in a public game, and the terran upgrades (ie siegemode, mines, speed up) were missing, probablly from the unprotection

sorry to make u do all this work, but could you check if the other upgrades are fine?
modified by hmichaelkim
you should change the name to (4)ReverseRequiem
i agree lol
ahhh lol, okay ill fix that tomorrow

fixed, all reset to their defaults
modified by LostTampon

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