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Last update for (4)King Nothing : 2009, 08, 14 03:05
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
812 (4)King Nothing 128*128RSCup.Spitfire0.1beta

The map has been rated 54 times and got a total of 5 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

cool remake of Azalea ! although im not sure if the middle is big enough for 2on2 battles, more of a 1v1 map?
Imho, it is very similar on (4) Snitch!.scm
I even would tell, too similar. Plagiarism? And the balance here is much worse - not enough place in the center and in general very badly all is thought over. Spitfire, you disappoint me: (
I am wrong? Very unpleasantly, Spitfire.
stfu pls -_-
Actually, you are wrong. Your maps sound for me like a bullshit ^^ So if the concept is quite similar, don't be sure that it's taken from your map, weird guy.
Imho, the mains are too big ( 2x normal size ) You could reduce them, and go get some more space to make your center bigger and make the expo not clifable
looks like a t'ish map
You only the cowardly child who cannot think up anything new. What to me a difference what my cards if you take mean for you and copies them at me ? And after that you yelp on me? You are small and silly, Spitfire -.-
>>> <<<

If you so do not like my maps, what for to try to copy them, to take my ideas? So silly children act. However, you also are the silly child.
You both stole the idea from azalea so now shut the fuck up.
Neither my map, nor Spitfire map, are not similar ON AZALEA. At what here Azalea, noob ? Mb you think, if the output from base is a little similar to it it is idea of card Azalea ? I speak about cliffs and expands on them, and also about accommodation bottom expands - all it TOO reminds my card !
*my map

spitfire, stfu, plagiator -_-;;
Spitfire, stop with the making of new maps! Pleace you got a lot of good maps, and many of them are needing just some little fixes. Why don't you focus on making them a MotW candidates, or something. Give some life in the maps man!
Edited *_*
woohoo, lets play some of the brand new online game "WTF - The plagiarism Party - How to update the Azalea Concept!!" *clapclapclap*

Everyone who finds a map that fits into the years old azalea concept can add his map:

Ok, here my real comment.

Imo all these maps are quite the same. To fill the open ground with an island is nothing new and exiting. Snitch is nothing new compared to maps like Satterchasm i.e. and that again looks somehow like an other map.

All maps in Starcraft follow the same direction. Mainbase + Natural in front of choke + mineral only tiwards the center...

Just calm down. This "he stole my mapconcept" bullshit is total bullshit. We all stole the Expansion concept from the guy who created Lost Temple...

btw, check out the game in the main forum.
To the map itself:

The mainbases are to huge, and i dislike the somehow unneutral seeming islands. Also, because of the mainbases, the center is to tight. And Ashworld is not a good choice for maps anyway.

I like it, but you did WAY better maps by now.
--v mOsQ
NOT Azalea plagiarism
I don't see highground expands on Azalea.

So edited (4)King Nothing not better than last version of this map (picture in Listoric's post). Sorry stupid map.
red's nat is much harder to defend then anyone else
Purps, and teal gas nat, are a little more safe from the air expands if tanks are dropped there. I suggest you make all gas nat expands safe from tanks... If not, every expand will be hard to protect vs terrans... And 4 air expands are bonus for terran too, so reduse a little this race...
Overall i like the design. Nice work!
Listoric, those 3 pictures you posted, can you give me links that go to those?

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