| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Sky Mountain : 2007, 03, 11 05:11
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2048 | (2)Sky Mountain | 128*128 | FireKnight_ | 2.3 | final | | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
FireKnight_ | | | How does it taste? | ScoutWBF | | | I'll steal the high dirt design! Domo arigato! | Nightmarjoo | | | hmm the map looks too straight, not very natual looking with straight lines and whatnot.
I'm inclined to think this map is hard for zerg, no way to safely expo really, would be hard to defend any one position for the lack of chokes. Also, the map looks fairly unflankable, the alternate paths go so far from eachother.
So I would suggest rounding in the two big highdirt things to allow more room in the middle, and rounding off the squareishness of the map, make it more circular or something.
The mains are pretty big, you have room to rearrange the main/mineral only a bit so that the mineral only is a nat and guards the ramp, imo that would fix any balance issues for zerg.
I really like NE/SW layout, although the xel-naga temple looks fairly useless.
it tastes good modified by Nightmarjoo | FireKnight_ | | | Updated and I hope it's improved too:)! | Nightmarjoo | | | Well ima point out that you could use an inverted ramp for NW main so it's equal to SE main's ramp.
I like the changes, looks good.
Hmm you could add mineral only expos to the middle, next to the big cliff thing, between the piles of rocks. This would add importance to the middle. You could even give it gas too, I think that wouldn't hurt any balance because it's open. | Lancet | | | The Xel-Naga temples block the players from building a command center/hatchery/nexus at the SW and NE expos, right? Those temples are 5000 HP, it will take a long time to free those expos. You could also place a mineral only on those plateaus north and south. modified by Lancet | Nightmarjoo | | | "it will take a long time to free those expos" not really =/ |
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